In collaboration with the Office of Victims of Crime, NIJ is seeking applications in three main areas under this solicitation: 1) research and evaluation of State crime victim compensation programs; 2) research on the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of services to victims of crime; and 3) evaluation of programs that provide services for victims of crime. Applicants should submit proposals that address one of the three topics
Number of Awards: 5
Total Amount Awarded: $2,900,855
Examining Equity in State Victim Compensation Programs: A Multilevel Analysis
Identifying the Feasibility and Acceptability of Conducting Longitudinal Outcome Evaluation Research with Adult Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Their Perceptions of a Comprehensive Service Model
Phase Two of ETA: Evaluation of Technology-based Advocacy Services: Assessment of Program Outcomes
Twenty Years Later: National Study of Victim Compensation Program Trends, Challenges, and Successes.
Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Victim Service Provision: Challenges, Innovations, and Lessons Learned
January 15, 2021: The bold text below has been added under “Clarifications” on page 10. “The recent median NIJ grant award amount is approximately $600,000. Applicants are encouraged to propose budgets that match the research activities proposed, which may be more or less than the anticipated maximum dollar amount of awards.”
NIJ has extended both deadlines for this solicitation.
The anticipated total amount to be awarded under solicitation has been reduced from $4 million to $3 million. The anticipated number of awards has been reduced from six to five.
NIJ has extended the Applications JustGrants deadline to April 8, 2021, 11:59 pm ET.
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