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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

NIJ Funding Priorities

Guidance to award applicants

NIJ will provide priority consideration when making award decisions to applications addressing the following research priorities:

  1. Infusing Evaluation Research with a Strong Implementation Fidelity Component: Applications proposing evaluations of an intervention's implementation in the field and identifying both their impacts and unintended consequences.
  2. Encouraging Interdisciplinary Research: Applications proposing multidisciplinary research teams to build on the complementary strengths of different methods and areas of subject matter expertise. 
  3. Ensuring Research Evidence is Translated into Actionable Information to Promote Change in the Field: Applications proposing robust, creative, and multi-pronged dissemination strategies that include strategic partnerships with organizations and associations that are best equipped to ensure that research findings lead to changes in policies and practices; with at least 15% of the requested project award funding toward implementing such strategies, as demonstrated in the “Budget Detail Form”.

Note: Addressing these priority areas is one of many factors that NIJ considers in making funding decisions. Receiving priority consideration for one or more priority areas does not guarantee award funding.

Date Published: December 18, 2024