The Visiting Fellows Program offers criminal justice policymakers, practitioners, and researchers a unique opportunity to participate in research addressing criminal justice issues relevant to the work of NIJ and public policy.
Objective of the Visiting Fellows Program
NIJ's Visiting Fellows Program brings experienced practitioners, policymakers, and — in exceptional circumstances — researchers into residency at NIJ to make important policy and scholarly contributions with practical application to the criminal justice field and to infuse research into policy and practice.
Fellows also work with NIJ leadership, staff, NIJ partners, and criminal justice practitioners to help shape the direction of NIJ’s relevant programs and ensure portfolios respond to the priority needs of the field.
The Visiting Fellows Program is designed to support innovative scholarship, "capstone" projects, or other important work in an established or novel line of research. NIJ is particularly interested in innovative approaches that have the potential to establish a new area of research or new approach to persistent criminal justice problems.
Applicants in all areas of criminal justice pertinent to NIJ's broad research mission are eligible for a Visiting Fellowship.
Applying to the Fellows Program
Candidates for Visiting Fellowships follow the same application process as other applicants for NIJ funding. In years in which NIJ offers this program, the solicitation is listed along with other funding opportunities on the Current Funding page.
The funding level for each Visiting Fellowship will be largely determined by the salary requirements of the applicant, which must be fully documented in the budget and budget narrative.
Applicants should be aware that most fellowships will include a 6-18 month term of residency at NIJ and ordinarily will not exceed a total period of two years. (A shorter residency, while not preferable, may be considered.)
You are strongly encouraged to carefully read the solicitation to which you are applying as details and requirements may change from year to year.
See NIJ's Funding page for an overview of applying for funding and links to detailed guidance.
List of Visiting Fellowship Awards
Year and Award Number | Fellow | Project Title (links to abstract or report if available) |
Amount |
2016-R2-CX-K002 | Dr. André Rosay | Violence Against Indian Women Research Program | $236,958 |
2012-PJ-BX-K001 | Dr. André Rosay | Violence Against Indian Women Research Program | $493,357 |
2011-IJ-CX-K059 | Mark Kleiman | Controlling Crime: Reducing Incarceration | $248,712 |
2011-IJ-CX-K060 | James M. Doyle | Learning From Error in American Criminal Justice | $191,239 |
2004-IJ-CX-0005 | Barry Latzer | Multistate Analysis of Time Consumption in Capital Appeals | $85,530 |
2003-IJ-CX-1027 | Martin Schwartz | Police Investigations of Rape — Roadblocks and Solutions | $316,040 |
2002-IJ-CX-0026 | B. Michael Dann | Testing the Effects of Selected Jury Trial Innovations on Juror Comprehension of DNA Evidence | $12,100 |
2002-IJ-CX-0017 | Janine Wedel | Corruption Conundrum: Bridging Perspectives Between East and West | $186,113 |
2002-IJ-CX-0024 | Myra Wall Downing | Measuring the Impact of Collaboration on Community Safety Problem Solving Initiatives | $19,500 |
1999-IJ-CX-0050 | Gloria Laycock | Social Research — Getting It Right for Practitioners and Policymakers | $161,999 |
1999-IJ-CX-0055 | David Bayley | Lessons in Projecting Police Reform Abroad | $44,518 |
1999-IJ-CX-0002 | Roger L. Conner | Community Safety Law | $319,377 |
1999-IJ-CX-0014 | Yuriy Voronin | Scope, Character and Impact of the Phenomenon of Transnational Crime | $61,680 |
1998-IJ-CX-0047 | Orlando Rodriguez | Labor Markets and Crime: Criminal Justice Policy and Research Issues | $115,764 |
1997-IJ-CX-0058 | Barbara Boland | Assessment of Washington, D.C.'s, Pilot Community Prosecution Initiative | $98,721 |
1997-IJ-CX-0011 1995-IJ-CX-0012 |
Carole Elizabeth Chaski | Linguistic Methods for Determining Document Authorship |
$214,505 |
1997-MU-CX-0002 | Robin W. Burnham | Analysis of Global Database on Crime and Criminal Justice | $113,615 |
1997-IJ-CX-0009 | James Collins | Exploring the Links Between Substance Abuse Service and Domestic Violence | $209,301 |
1996-IJ-CX-0004 | Todd Clear | Community Justice Theory and Practice | $80,814 |
1996-IJ-CX-0067 | Ralph Taylor | Influences of Specific Incivilities on Reactions to Crime in Five Cities | $167,884 |
1996-CE-VX-0010 | Richard Linster | Evaluation of Florida's Residential Drug Treatment Prison Diversion Program | $112,349 |
1995-IJ-CX-0021 | Ronald V. Clarke | Problem-Oriented Policing, Case Studies | $43,014 |
1995-IJ-CX-0110 | William McDonald | The Role of Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Illegal Immigration and Other Transnational Crimes | $181,414 |
1995-IJ-CX-0029 | Michael G. Maxfield | The Self-Evaluating Justice Organization: Building Local Evaluation Capacity | $70,279 |
1995-IJ-CX-0112 | Barbara Boland | Rethinking Organizational Strategies and Criminal Justice Performance Measures: The Case of Community Prosecution | $294,530 |
1995-IJ-CX-0033 | Sergey S. Chapkey | Developing an Internet Model for Cross-National Information Sharing and Dissemination | $251,848 |
1995-IJ-CX-0016 | Thomas J. Quinn | Toward Common Sense in Sentencing | $371,500 |
1995-IJ-CX-0013 | George Kelling | "Broken Windows" and Police Discretion | $58,079 |
1994-IJ-CX-0004 | Barbara Boland | Emerging Experiments in Community Prosecution | $123,939 |
1994-IJ-CX-0006 | Gary Cordner | Varieties of Rural Policing: An Exploratory Study | $68,535 |
1994-IJ-CX-0014 | Richard L. Linster | Classification for Recidivism Risk: A Hazard Model Approach | $210,615 |
1994-IJ-CX-0043 | Ellen Scrivner | Requirements Analysis | NA |
1994-IJ-CX-0019 | Thomas C. Castellano | Developing the Mature Coping Skills of Criminal Offenders: The Impact of Boot Camp Interventions | $212,486 |
1993-IJ-CX-0001 | Hellen Corrothers | Intermediate Sanctions: Developing an Effective Intermediate Sanction | $268,058 |
1994-IJ-CX-0020 | Ann Taylor | Study of Juvenile Justice Programs in Prosecutor Offices | $104,816 |
1993-IJ-CX-0003 | Ann Taylor | Study of Prosecution of Domestic Violence in Rural Counties | $136,920 |
1993-IJ-CX-0006 | Albert Reiss | Organizational Problems in Policing | NA |
1993-IJ-CX-0056 | Carol S. Knapel | Post-Occupancy Facility Evaluation | $109,000 |
1980 | Neal Shover | Aging Criminals: Changes in the Criminal Calculus | NA |
1979 | Thomas Pavlak | Procedural Justice in Parole Revocation | NA |
1979-NI-AX-0077 | Samuel Krislov | New Evidence on the Nature of Courts: Measurement of Judge-Time and the Evaluation of Judicial Performance — Reducing the Discrepancies | NA |
1979 | Samuel Myers | Employment Opportunities and Crime | NA |
1978 | Judith Lachman | Restricting Court Discretion: An Economic Analysis of the Effects on Prosecution and Judicial Decision Making | NA |
1978 | Nicholas Kittrie | An Analysis of the Concept of Political Crime | NA |
1978 | Elmer Johnson | Community Sub-System of Criminal Justice | NA |
1978 | Keith Hawkins | The Meaning of Parole | NA |
1978-NI-AX-0073 1979-NI-AX-0078 |
Carlos Astiz | Interpreting Services in the American Criminal Courts | NA |
1977 | Kent Miller | Social Control in the Mental Health Profession | NA |
1977 | Wilard Hutchins | National Criminal Justice Baseline Data File | NA |
1977 | Allen Breed | Acting as Participant Chronicler Observer for the Federal Coor. Criminal on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Delinquency and the Gang | NA |
1976 | Robert Rubel | History of School Crime, 1950-1975 | NA |
1976 | Robert Gaensslen | Sourcebook in Forensic Serology | NA |
1976 | Paul Wice | A Socio-Legal Study of the Private Practice of Criminal Law | NA |
1975 | Gerald Caiden | Evaluation of Police Reform | NA |
1975 | Albert Alschuler | The Trial Judge's Role in Plea Bargaining and Alternatives to the Guilty Plea System | NA |
1975-N1-99-0109 | Mark Haller | History of Organized Crime, 1920-1945 | NA |
1975-N1-99-0106 | Daniel Skoler | Study of Governmental Restructuring Needs in Criminal Justice | NA |
1975-NI-99-0045 | Larry Guenther | A Study of the Detective Role in Metropolitan Police Systems | $25,988 |
1974-NI-99-0053 | Michael J. Kelly | The Evaluation of Criminal Justice Policy Initiatives | $27,020 |
1974-NI-99-0034 | John J. Murphy | An Unexplored Area in Bail: The Retrieval Process, Who Conducts Retrievals, the Governing Rules and the Reformation of Rules | $29,236 |
1974-NI-99-0031 | Stuart N. Adams | A Study of Factors Associated With Impact in Criminal Justice Evaluations | $35,422 |
1974-NI-99-0029 | Peter Manning | Police Work and Comparative Analysis of Drug Law Enforcement | $38,091 |
1974-NI-99-0028 | Wesley Skogan | Citizen Evaluation of Crime and Criminal Justice: Variations Within and Across American Cities | $30,737 |
1974-NI-99-0027 | John P.J. Dussich | An Analysis of the Effects of Work Release on Self-Esteem | $14,034 |
1974-NI-99-0026 | Anthony L. Guenther | The Social Dimensions of a Penitentiary | $5,201 |
1974-NI-99-0025 | Robert W. Gillespie | Judicial Resources and Court Delay: A Cross-Section Analysis of the Federal District Courts | $15,255 |
1974-NI-99-0024 | Stuart S. Nagel | Applying Operations Research and Economic Modeling to the Legal Process and Criminal Justice | $41,866 |
1971-NI-071-VF | Edward S. Ryan | A Study of Conflict and Cooperation Between Two Criminal Justice Agencies: Police and Probation | $23,331 |
1971-NI-004-VF | Gary V. Dubin | New Frontiers in Criminal Justice Research | $25,860 |
1971-NI-003-VF | Jack M. Holl | Anglo-American Penal Reform 1830 to the Present | $22,100 |
1970-NI-008 E | William J. Bowers | NA | $22,000 |
1970-NI-008 D | David Durk | Feasibility Study of Change in Recruitment | $21,000 |
1970-NI-008 C | Alexander J. Seidler | Analysis of Existing Data on Student Radicalism | $15,500 |
1970-NI-008 B | Carol Jean Crowther | Sentencing Policy Evaluation | $15,000 |
1970-NI-008 A | Annelise Anderson | Economic Analysis and Organized Crime | $6,500 |