Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $479,392)
USC in partnership with subaward recipient KP are carrying out a pilot test of a program designed to prevent elder mistreatment. This program builds on lessons learned from preventing other forms of family violence, such as child maltreatment and intimate partner violence, as well as listening to the concerns and ideas of health and social service providers and older adults. The program is designed to serve people aged 65 and older at risk of elder mistreatment because of health care transitions as well as changing health and supportive care needs.
Individuals who qualify receive a variety of tools to help prevent mistreatment. They are randomized into a control group or a treatment group which receives additional support that includes up to 12 home visits from a Care Coach who provides information, support, guidance, and techniques to reduce the risk of mistreatment. Intervention effectiveness will be judged by its success in preventing elder mistreatment during the study period, and its effectiveness in reducing problems such as stress, depression, and misinformation about the impact of chronic illness which may increase the risk of elder mistreatment.
The current project was supported by NIJ through a supplemental award that built on an initial planning grant which was used to develop the program. During this second phase, the program is being pilot tested to assess effectiveness and the factors that lead to increased risk for or protection against mistreatment. Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law, and complies with Part 200 Uniform Requirements - 2 CFR 200.210(a)(14). NCA/NCF