Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2019, $990,808)
The RAND Corporation, in collaboration with TASCs Center for Health and Justice and Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, proposes a multi-site, multi-method evaluation of self-referral deflection programs. This evaluation will involve in-depth case studies of six self-referral programs including an impact evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis of two of those programs. Three sites have committed to participate with three additional sites to be selected after award. The three that have committed are Lake County, IL, Plymouth, MA and City of Anaheim, CA.
The in-depth case studies will include semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, administrative document review, and programmatic data summary. The impact evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis of two programs will include one in Lake County, Illinois, with the other being selected from the full case study sample of sites based on the evaluability assessment. Using several statistical approaches for quasi-experimental settings, the research team will conduct: 1) an individual-level analysis that compares the outcomes of individuals who engaged in self-referral to a comparison group of treatment entrants who did not; and 2) a community-level analysis to estimate broader impacts. Outcomes analyzed will include criminal justice, treatment/substance use, and labor market/education indicators. Costs to police and partner agencies for the treatment and comparison groups will be collected through interviews and administrative records.
"Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law," and complies with Part 200 Uniform Requirements - 2 CFR 200.210(a)(14). CA/NCF