Statement of the Problem: In response to the increasing prevalence of elder abuse in communities through the United States, this project proposes to design, pretest, pilot, and fully implement an Elder Abuse Prevention Demonstration Project. Key objectives of this 18-month demonstration planning phase are to: (1) refine the theory-base for the proposed intervention, Elder Abuse Mistreatment Prevention Education Program (EMPEP), a 90-day program, including 12 weekly one-on-one, in home visits wither elders by a trained social worker or case manager, (2) finalize components of the EMPEP intervention, including preparation of a Manual of Procedures, and implementation of fidelity indicators, (3) pretest the study recruitment and intervention strategies, (4) prepare for the pilot and full implementation of the demonstration should it be funded for phases two and three, and (5) disseminate the findings in a format that could be scaled up and replicated should the fully implemented model prove effective at reducing elder mistreatment.
Subjects: The study will include at-risk adults in Maricopa County aged 60 years and older who were referred, authorized, and waitlisted for home and community based services (HCBS) services with the Area Agency of Aging in Maricopa County, AZ.
Partnerships: Community partners involved in the demonstration include the Maricopa County Area Agency on Aging, the Arizona Department of Economic Security (supervisory agency of the Adult Protective Services), and the Maricopa County Human Services Department, as well as a panel of elder abuse and violence prevention expert advisors.
Research Design and Methods: The pretest of the intervention will involve fewer than 10 individuals; the proposed pilot study will include a randomized controlled trial of EMPEP implementation, comparing 600 older adults (subjects) assigned to EMPEP to 600 control group participants who remain waitlisted to receive services; and, will include the collection of administrative and self-report survey data. Interviews with key stakeholders will be conducted to gather information on program implementation and fidelity.
Analysis: Impact of the intervention will be measures through analyses of short- and long-term outcomes of participation in EMPEP, including physical and mental health, wellbeing, and reports of abuse.
Products, Reports, and Data Archiving: This study will culminate with the design, protocols, procedures, and performance measures for EMPEP. A published manual, presented to NIJ, will include program design, procedures, and fidelity measure information to guide the pilot testing of EMPEP and replication. ca/ncf