This awardee has received supplemental funding. This award detail page includes information about both the original award and supplemental awards.
Award Information
Award #
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Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)
Original Solicitation
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2018, $650,000)
OJJDP's Fiscal Year 2015 National Juvenile Court Data Archive program furthers the Department's mission by collecting and maintaining the nation's primary source of detailed information on juvenile court case processing of delinquency and status offense cases.
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges will maintain and expand the current program and continue providing detailed information on juvenile court case processing of delinquency and status offense cases to assist research and policy-making efforts. The most recent national estimates are based on data from more than 2,400 courts with jurisdiction over 84% of the juvenile population. This proposal requests funds for 1 year, but describes activities for a 3-year grant period. The Archive will continue to pursue three general objectives: juvenile court data collection and processing, juvenile court data use and dissemination, and juvenile court case data quality improvement and technical assistance. Juvenile court data collection and processing involves extracting research data files from administrative data sets, creating standardized data files, producing national estimates, and documenting and preserving data. Juvenile court data use and dissemination are achieved through the Juvenile Court Statistics reports, preparing data for OJJDPs Statistical Briefing Book, maintaining the Archives website that facilitates researchers use of Archive files, and responding to information requests. Juvenile court case data quality improvement and technical assistance are addressed through efforts to expand the sample of reporting courts, monitor data quality, provide technical assistance to state and local agencies to help them expand/improve their information systems and information sharing capabilities, and improve the national estimates.
The solicitation also identified two additional objectives: improve data collection and analysis of Hispanic/Latino youth involved in the juvenile justice system and improve analyses for girls involved in the juvenile justice system. These two objectives focus on subpopulations of youth and involve aspects of each of the other three objectivesdata collection and processing, data use and dissemination, and data improvement. Improving data on Hispanic youth will be achieved by continuing to identify jurisdictions with good data on Hispanic ethnicity, identifying best practices and providing guidance on collecting and coding ethnicity data, and expanding national and subnational data to distinguish cases involving Hispanic youth in the analyses of Archive data. Improving analyses for girls will be achieved by consulting with OJJDP to determine what analytical approaches would best meet their needs as applied to the Archive data on females that are disaggregated by race, ethnicity, age, offense, and case processing characteristics.
Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law.
Date Created: September 27, 2015
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