Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2015, $950,000)
1. The DNA Databank will seek funding for continuing education training, which is mandated by the FBI for qualified DNA analysts. Grant funding will provide three (3) Forensic Scientists or Databank Designees registration and travels costs for the North Eastern Association of Forensic Scientists Conference as well as one (1) Forensic Scientist or Databank Designee registration and travels costs for the Promega International Symposium.
2. The DNA Databank is seeking funding to extend the employment period for an Information Systems Specialist II (Business Analyst) to continue gathering business requirements, develop business models, and provide continued support for the development of a DNA Hit Tracking System.
3. The DNA Databank is seeking funding for new DNA modules to enhance their Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The current Databank LIMS has limited functionality that is primarily designed for sample accessioning, tracking and assignment. The DNA Databank has a critical need to integrate the analytical elements of their workflow into new DNA modules to streamline sample throughput and increase quality control measures. By improving LIMS functionality, the DNA Databank expects to consistently maintain a sample turn around time of less than 30 days.
1. The Casework Section is seeking funding for overtime to help reduce the current forensic DNA casework backlog by at least 405 cases through in-house testing using federal overtime. We are also requesting overtime for analysts to work on our current validation efforts with the MegaPlex STR amplification kit(s) and Quantification kit(s).
2. The Casework Section will seek funding for continuing education training, which is mandated by the FBI for qualified DNA analysts. Grant funding will provide three (3) Forensic Scientists or Casework Designees registration and travels costs for the North Eastern Association of Forensic Scientists Conference as well as one (1) Forensic Scientist or Casework Designee registration and travels costs for the Promega International Symposium.
3. Funding is requested to support the continued service of a LIMS/Workstation Support Coordinator during the grant period. The availability of a LIMS Coordinator maximizes the record keeping and report preparation functions of the Casework Section LIMS system as well as keeping production continuous with on-site workstation support.
4. The Casework Section is also seeking funding for the continuation of subscriptions for two relevant scientific journals that are used for continuing education and courtroom testimony preparation.
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