Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2015, $74,515)
The Mansfield Division of Police Forensic Science Section DNA Laboratory is an agency that is responsible for analyzing evidential material associated with criminal investigations for local law enforcement agencies in Mansfield, Ohio and adjoining communities. The DNA Laboratory is composed of 2 DNA Analysts and has been in operation since 2001. This laboratory is also one of seven Ohio NDIS laboratory participants. CODIS operations are performed on the local level with samples being uploaded to the State of Ohio for submission to NDIS.
The Mansfield Division of Police Forensic Science Section DNA Laboratory continues to face budgetary constraints with respect to personnel. The Federal funding from this award will be used for the following goals:
1. Reducing the forensic DNA case backlog, maintain a low turn-around time and to continue participation in CODIS.
2. Providing the registration costs associated with required continuing education for each analyst.
3. Utilize overtime to maintain current turnaround time and the technical review of a minimum of 50 DNA cases.
The Mansfield Division of Police Forensic Science Section DNA Laboratory can expect to reduce the DNA case backlog by at least 182 cases by the end of the award period.
The following laboratories have agreed to provide some of their allocated funding to the Mansfield Police Forensic Science Laboratory
Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's Office: $20,000.
Columbus Police Department Crime Laboratory: $20,000.
Hamilton County Coroner's Office Crime Laboratory: $15,846.50
Our appropriation using UCR% violent crime is $ 18,668.55. This totals $74,515.05.
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