Award Information
Award #
Funding Category
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)
Original Solicitation
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2015, $73,856)
The Coverdell Grant program provides funding to accredited crime labs and medical examiners in Iowa. Funding will be used to help improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services. Funding will assist in the elimination of backlogs in the analysis of forensic evidence, train staff, and to provide equipment enhancements.
Project Goal: 1) Iowa Criminalistics Laboratory--Decrease casework backlogs and average turnaround times on processed evidence to meet 45 day speedy trial court requirements; 2)Iowa State Medical Examiner--Meet national standards for death scene investigations. Maintain knowledge and education of state medical Examiner Forensic Pathologists, Death Investigators, and other staff on the latest research and advancements.
Programs To Be Funded: 1)Funding is requested to support the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation, Crime Laboratory and the Department of Public Health, State Medical Examiners Office. The 2015 Base Award will be utilized by the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigations, and Criminalistics Laboratory to provide overtime for criminalists and evidence technicians to clear cases and reduce case turnaround time. Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa State Medical Examiner. The 2014 Base Award will be utilized by the Iowa Department of Public Health to train local medical death investigators and to continue Iowa medical examiner pathologist education and training. The funding will also be utilized to purchase an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) cart, computer, and monitor.
Major Deliverables (Objectives): 1) Overtime support for criminalists and evidence technicians to reduce case turnaround time; 2) Train local death investigators and Iowa Medical Examiner Pathologists.
Date Created: September 16, 2015