This program furthers the Department's mission by providing grants and cooperative agreements for research and evaluation activities to organizations that OJJDP designates.
OJJDP's Model Programs Guide (MPG) provides an online resource for practitioners and policymakers of evidence-based juvenile justice programs and practices. Under the FY13 MPG solicitation, OJJDP will expand the number of programs reviewed and the types of evidence-based information available in MPG in adherence to the standards, criteria, and processes that have been established for the Web site. Development Services Group, Inc. (DSG) will develop, expand, and maintain content for the MPG Web site. DSG's proposed objectives and activities are designed to meet and, in most cases, exceed the specifications required by the solicitation. DSG will (1) expand the number of program assessments on MPG by conducting searches for literature on 25 new programs and overseeing the review and profile development processes; (2) update 10 program records with new evaluation evidence on current MPG programs; (3) prepare 10 new and update 10 extant literature reviews by conducting literature searches to identify and incorporate the most recent evidence in consultation with our expert reviewers; (4) develop and disseminate two implementation guides in collaboration with subject matter experts, conduct two Webinars and prepare articles on usage of the guides, and provide telephone TA to practitioners and policymakers, as requested; and (5) prepare 10 ad hoc communications, reviews, or other briefs at the request of OJJDP, including PowerPoint presentations and media responses. Performance measures reported to OJJDP semi-annually will include the number of deliverables (program reviews, revised program profiles, literature reviews, implementation guides, revised literature reviews, and ad hoc communications) on time and the number of deliverables that meet OJJDP's expectation to depth, breadth, scope, and quality. DSG has proposed experienced key staff who have worked on the MPG project since its inception. They are familiar with all evidence standards and criteria, having worked with the Office of Justice Programs on its implementation. DSG has obtained agreements from more than 20 MPG Reviewers and subject matter experts, who will review programs, develop implementation guide protocols, prepare implementation guides, and serve as content experts for literature reviews.
Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law.