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Rural Law Enforcement Technology Center
This awardee has received supplemental funding. This award detail page includes information about both the original award and supplemental awards.
This project proposes the operation of an NLECTC-Regionals/ Resource Outreach Center (ROC) for Small, Rural, Tribal and Border Criminal Justice Agencies (those having 50 or less sworn personnel), with a "stream-lined" NLECTC Regional System, with staff distributed across the nation, working from "virtual" offices. This approach provides more value for less cost by optimizing regional outreach from a centralized, coordinated source, and realizes cost efficiencies through the elimination of redundant operation. It also leverages the current operation of NLECTC-National, which currently provides overarching support to the Regional Centers.
- Consolidation of existing subject-matter expertise within the system to maintain continuity of operations as well as refocusing advisory group efforts on regional advocacy and technology needs/requirements development.
- Provision of greater access to a broader constituency base through the development of a single, system-wide marketing strategy tailored to meet specific constituent needs and the implementation of innovative, cost-effective Web-based tools to allow for feedback from constituents regarding marketing strategy efficacy.
- Identification and incorporation of region-specific needs into NIJ's RDT&E process while at the same time maintaining a focus on the needs of small/rural and specialized law enforcement agencies, thus building new partnerships and enhancing existing ones.
- Coordination of regionally based NIJ Research and Development (R&D) expos (i.e., technology fairs) to receive feedback on projects and build new partnerships.
- Offering an expanded slate of national and regional law enforcement, corrections and forensics conferences and trade shows, collaborating with the CoEs to showcase their R&D projects at these events. ca/ncf
This project continues the operation of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)- Regionals/Resource Outreach Center (ROC) for Small, Rural, Tribal and Border Criminal Justice Agencies (those having 50 or less sworn personnel), with a "stream-lined" NLECTC Regional System, with staff distributed across the nation, working from "virtual" offices. This approach provides more value for less cost by optimizing regional outreach from a centralized, coordinated source, and realizes cost efficiencies through the elimination of redundant operations. It also leverages current operation of NLECTC-National, which currently provides overarching support to the Regional Centers.
Other program structure advantages include the following:
-Consolidation of existing subject-matter expertise within the system to maintain continuity7 of operations as well as refocusing advisory group efforts on regional advocacy and technology needs/requirements development.
- Provision of greater access to a broader constituency base through the development of a single, system-wide marketing strategy tailored to meet specific constituent needs and the implementation of innovative, cost-effective Web-based tools to allow for feedback from constituents regarding marketing strategy efficacy.
- Identification and incorporation of region-specific needs into the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ's) research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) process while a the same time maintaining a focus on the needs of smaller agencies, thus building new partnerships and enhancing existing ones.
-Coordination of regionally based NIJ research and development (R&D) expos (i.e., technology fairs) to receive feedback on projects and build new partnerships.
-Offering an expanded slate of national and regional law enforcement, corrections and forensics conferences and trade shows, collaborating with the Centers of Excellence to showcase their R&D projects at these events.
This project is part of the continuation of the operation of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)- Regional's/Resource Outreach Center (ROC) for Small, Rural, Tribal and Border (SRTB) Criminal Justice Agencies. The purposes of this project are to expand the SRTB's evaluation of low cost aviation assets for law enforcement agencies. Project tasks include expanding the evaluation of technologies such as airborne still camera systems, video camera systems, video downlinks and air-to-ground law enforcement communications systems. Further, this project seeks to expand the outreach and exchange of information between State, local and tribal criminal justice agencies and the NIJ's Office of Science and Technology. nca/ncf
This award supplements funding for award #2009-IJ-CX-K019. This award was competitively made in response to a proposal submitted by the Center for Rural Development (CRD) to an NIJ FY2009 solicitation Criminal Justice Technology Regional Centers. The purpose of this supplement is to enable CRD to continue to host the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System's (NLECTC's) Small, Rural, Tribal and Border (SRTB) Regional Center. The principal role of the regional centers is outreach and technical assistance (TA). They provide TA actively through engagement with the communities that they serve through, for example, technology institutes, and workshops.
This award was competitively made under the FY09 NIJ "Criminal Justice Technology Regional Centers" solicitation. That solicitation sought proposals to conduct regional outreach activities within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) System to improve the access to and awareness of relevant scientific and technology-related information by State and local criminal justice practitioners. The Center for Rural Development, Inc. (CRD) received an award to establish and host a center focused on small, rural, trial and border agencies, the NLECTC-Small, Rural, and Tribal Border (SRTB) Regional Center.
The purpose of this supplement is to enable CRD to continue its operation of the SRTB, to include continuing to assist law enforcement agencies in acquiring surplus and excess federal property; hosting one or more technology institutes for small law enforcement agencies; hosting one or more summits to identify the unique criminal justice technology needs of small, rural, tribal, and border jurisdictions; and supporting NIJ's efforts to transition small unmanned aerial systems into practice with law enforcement agencies in a safe, effective, and lawful manner. Small and rural agencies in particular have a need for lower cost aviation solutions. nca/ncf