Steganography is a growing concern for law enforcement because it compounds issues posed by encrypted evidence with the complicating factor that encrypted data is hidden behind an innocuous façade. Furthermore, the many steganographic algorithms and programs readily available facilitate their criminal use. Although there has been some work in steganography
detection and breaking, there is currently no single easy-to-use tool available to law enforcement.
This project will continue the University of Rhode Island work in steganography detection by extending it to media such as MP3 and video, and by producing software packages for dissemination.
This project attempts to address the BJS 2002 forensic backlog in the area of computer crime.
This project contributes to the reduction of DNA backlog via the following approach:
' Automated Steganography Detection will increase the likelihood of detecting steganography and extracting the evidence hidden using this technology.
' Automated Steganography Detection will allow analysts to process evidence more efficiently; therefore, reducing the backlog of cases.