This project will develop a theoretical framework for understanding why elder abuse occurs. In order to develop this framework, an extensive literature review of the elder abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, criminal justice, psychology, medical anthropology, sociology, palliative care, gerontology, forensics, and public health literature will be conducted. This review will uncover all published and referenced theoretical models pertinent to elder abuse. Systematic, comprehensive searches will be guided by elder abuse and theoretical modeling experts aided by the librarians of the Grunigen Medical, the Jack Langson and the Science Libraries of the University of California Irvine. A search strategy will be outlined through library consultations attended by Laura Mosqueda, M.D., Kerry Burnight, Ph.D., and the Co-Investigator (TBN), and reviewed for completeness by UCI researchers including Aileen Wiglesworth, Ph.D. (gerontologist and elder abuse expert) and Dara Sorkin, Ph.D. (social ecologist and modeling expert). Additionally, domestic violence experts Carol Tryon, M.S.W., (a geriatric social worker specializing in family violence and elder abuse) and Ronald A. Chez, M.D. (a retired obstetrician-gynecologist who is active with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' initiative in domestic violence and elder abuse) will contribute to the research strategy as paid consultants.
The librarian will provide literature source and search technology expertise. A plan of all the activities required will result, and provide a template for tracking and completing this phase of the project. As pertinent literature is identified, a trained Research Assistant will download or enter reference information into a software tool for managing bibliographies (EndNote), and write a brief review of relevant information for inclusion in the notes section. Each model will be scanned, annotated and maintained online as well. In addition, as interesting models are identified, the research team will attempt to locate their authors for brief telephone interviews to determine whether a structured interview will provide new information to guide and inform the project.
Drs. Mosqueda, Burnight and the Co-Investigator will develop a structured, in-depth interview based on the literature review. Through their current network of experts, the consultants and the literature review, the Co-Investigator will identify 20 or more subject matter experts, both practitioners and researchers, to participate in structured interviews. The goal of the interviews will be to capture unpublished, up-to-date work and ideas on theoretical models for elder abuse and the related topics. The recorded interviews will be conducted either onsite, via teleconference, or via videoconference. The Co-Investigator, with the help of the Research Assistant will transcribe notes from the interviews to be included in the study data.
For the final report, the Co-Investigator, advised by Drs. Mosqueda and Burnight and the domestic violence consultants, will synthesize the literature and interview materials based on emergent categories of theoretical models. Samples of theoretical models for elder mistreatment will also be produced, as 'straw men' for further discussion.