Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2003, $29,178)
ourt Judges, and the National College of District Attorneys. NCFFC will continue to work with these agencies to provide specialized trainings to judges and court personnel, prosecutors, law enforcement, and advocates. NCFFC also will continue assist jurisdictions in building their capacity to track protection order violations, and conduct professional development workshops for prosecutors and other field professionals. Through its PROSPER project, NCFFC will provide targeted technical assistance to three local jurisdictions to improve their protection order systems, establish registries with the NCIC Protection Order File, and continue to provide telephone and electronic technical assistance to law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, court administrators, court clerks, state administrators, legal service agencies and private attorneys, advocates, and survivors.
FY 2003 project activities will expand upon NCFFCs previous collaboration with the Office to:
1. Assemble a multidisciplinary advisory board to provide guidance in program development and delivery of technical assistance to OVW grantees;
2. Provide targeted peer-to-peer consultation and technical assistance to eight jurisdictions developing protection order registries/databases;
3. Conduct research and develop safety and privacy issue related self-assessment materials, model rules, policies, and regulations;
4. Facilitate the implementation of a coordinated response to domestic violence and firearms in three pilot jurisdictions with teams of local, state and federal criminal justice professions;
5. Assist the National Center for State Court in the development and delivery of a distance-learning training curriculum on protection orders for civil and criminal court personnel, and facilitate the adoption of a recognizable protection order cover page; and
5. Plan and develop a national meeting addressing full faith and credit.