Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2003, $999,981)
Project Summary for 2003-DD-BX-K101
The purpose of the proposed is to produce a training evaluation model and related products that can guide evaluation of criminal justice training activities supported by Federal, State, and local funds. The applicant organization will work with Eastern Kentucky University. The overall goal is to help Justice Department agencies achieve more consistency and control over funded training efforts. Objectives are to (1) formulate a flexible evaluation model for outcomes evaluations of a wide range of criminal justice training programs and (2) test the model by applying it to four Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) training Projects. The theory of the applicant's logic model for training development is that training will produce behavior change (in knowledge, skills, attitudes) that can be assessed after the trainee returns to an organization or other environment, and that those behavior changeds will produce results. The logic model includes six overlapping stages of training development: (1) assessment, (2) development of plans for both evaluating and managing the training, (3) curriculum design, (4) curriculum delivery, (5) evaluation (with Donald Kirkpatrick's (1998) four levels of training evaluation represented, as well as cost-benefit analysis), and (6) revision of the training. Data from each project's training needs assessment, job task analysis, and trainee selection process will be required. The needs assessment will examine both desired and actual behavior and involve surveys, observations, interviews, and document reviews.
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