This continuation grant award corresponds to supplement #2 to NIJ's Multi-Site Adult Drug Court Evaluation (MADCE). It provides partial funding for Year 3 of Phase II in the amount of $1,006,383 for the period 10/1/06-6/30/07.
The initial award to the research team---incl. Urban Institute, RTI International, and the Center for Court Innovation---was made in 7/2003 for Phase I planning. A continuation grant award was made in 12/2004, corresponding to supplement #1 for Years 1 and 2 of Phase I. The project is scheduled to end in 9/2008, and NIJ anticipates making a final continuation grant award for the remaining balance in FY2007.
MADCE is a $6 million five-year longitudinal process, impact and cost study of adult treatment drug court programs. This study employs a hierarchical model that samples drug court and non-drug court probationers from rural/suburban/urban jurisdictions in several geographic areas across the U.S. Interview data will be collected from about 1800 probationers at baseline, 6-month, and 18-month followups; urinalysis data will be collected at the 18-month followup; and, archival data will be collected at a 24-month followup. Controlling for background characteristics and context (e.g., local drug laws), the analysis will examine the influence of drug court program components and resources on changes in: probationer perceptions (e.g., motivation), service access, compliance, relapse, recidivism, and other functional areas (e.g., employment).