Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2002, $53,610)
Title V of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of ì
1994 (Public Law 103-322) authorizes the Attorney General to make ì
grants to States, State Courts, local courts, units of local ì
government and Indian tribal governments for the establishment of ì
drug court programs.
The Office of Justice Programs Drug Courts Discretionary Grant ì
Program supports the development of innovative measures that ì
provide courts additional resources to provide treatment for ì
nonviolent drug abusing offenders through the integrated ì
administration of services and sanctions, including close ì
supervision, coerced abstinance, and graduated sanctions to ì
assure compliance.
The OJP Drug Court Program is divided into three types of grants. ì
Part I, Planning Grants are available to those jurisdictions that ì
are interested in establishing drug courts. Part II, ì
Implementation Grants are available to jurisdictions that have ì
already identified the target population to be served and the ì
case processing to be used. Part III, Improvement and ì
Enhancement Grants are available to improve or enhance services ì
in jurisdictions that already have drug courts.
This grant is being awarded to support an eighteen month ì
comprehensive implementation process (Part II) for the above ì
named jurisdiction.