Award Information
Award #
Awardee County
Los Angeles County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)
Original Solicitation
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2001, $299,993)
Project Summary of 2001-IJ-CX-0031
This project will investigate the exeriences of Indian nations and local law enforcement agencies under Public Law 280 (PL-280). The applicant has selected for a total of 13 reservations in 10 States with and without PL-280 jurisdiction. The project will include a comparison of PL-280 and non-PL-280 sites with an effort to determine how the different circumstances of PL-280 tribes affect their experiences. Project objectives are are to (1) compare crime rates on reservations suject to PL-280 with rates on reservations not subject to PL-280; (2) determine the quality and availability of law enforcement and criminal justice under PL-280; (3) evaluate Federal law enforcement and criminal justice funding and services to tribe subject to PL-280 jurisdiction; (4) evaluate retrocession, concurrent tribal jurisdiction, and cooperative aggreements as options to alleviate problems in PL-280 jurisdictions; and (5) explore possible administrative and legislative responses to PL-280. The applicant will make a 6-day visit to each of the 13 sites, conducting at each site 20 interviews with local law enforcement, and tribal member and officials. The applicant will also secure reservation-based crime statistics for PL-280 States from county sheriff's offices and will obtain statewide crime statistics for all the sites. Funding sources and services available to PL-280 tribes will be researched through Federal agencies, tribal and State reports. The applicant will not, however, include Alaska, one of the original PL-280 States from county sheriff's offices and will obtain statewide crime statistics for all the sites. Funding sources and services available to PL-280 tribes will be researched through Federal agencies, tribal and State reports. The applicant will not, however, including Alaska, one of the original PL-280 States, in the primary portion of this study because "a recent U.S. Supreme Court decison nearly eliminated Indian country there." To address the situation in Alaska, the project will a note appended to the full report regarding the situation in Alaska. This study wil result in a final report, report summaries tailored to suit specific audiences, and teleconferences to discuss findings.
Grant-Funded Datasets
Date Created: September 29, 2001