Project summary for 2000-IJ-CX-K001 (S-2)
The City of Seattle, the first pilot site for the Community, Mapping, Planning, and Analysis for Safety Strategies (COMPASS) initiative will continue to employ data-driven tolls and an action-based research model to further Seattle's problem-oriented approach to community government. This supplement will allow the Seattle COMPASS site to continue data collection, continue problem solving around auto theft, juvenile crime, and offender reentry, monitor and advise pilot projects, develop and implement a public web site, and continue project oversight and coordination.
COMPASS emphasizes routine collaboration with City, County, and community agencies to identify, understand, resolve, and monitor high-priority public safety problems. Key components of COMMPASS will include: (1) collaborative policy groups spanning a broad array of governmental agencies and community interests; (2) partnerships with comminity-base organizations to identify problems and develop collaborative, community-driven responses to neighborhood public safety issues; (3) a comprehensive data center the will house social indicators and other public safety data; (4) strategic analysis of data both spatially and temporally, through the use of a user-friendly information system; and (5) a research partner or consortium of partners to : 1) participate in the development of the data infrastructure' 2) provide analytic support to the problem solving effort; 3) assist in the development of intervention strategies that address identified problems; 4) document Seattle's COMPASS acttivities; and 5) asess the ongoing effectiveness of selected interventions.