Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $2,400,000)
This project proposes to advance the National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program (NJJDAP) through secondary analysis of existing databases, production of empirical information on a range of juvenile justice topics, and dissemination of this information to diverse audiences in a variety of formats. The project seeks to continue NJJDAP as a central, primary source of statistical data and analyses that informs the juvenile justice field concerning critical issues. To accomplish this, the project will maintain the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)’s Statistical Briefing Book (SBB) by identifying and assessing national datasets that collect relevant information (e.g., on juvenile and criminal justice, victimization, offending, and risk factors); analyzing and interpreting data to update and create new content; updating and expanding the Easy Access data analysis tools and FAQs; and evaluating current content to make recommendations for improvements. The project will also prepare publications and otherwise disseminate information including creating and publishing statistical bulletins, web-based data briefs, and data visualizations; developing new products or visualizations; developing recommendations to enhance user access and experiences with juvenile justice statistical information; and presenting findings at academic and practitioner conferences. Finally, the project will respond to information requests regarding juvenile justice-related statistics. To ensure the NJJDAP is responsive to stakeholder needs, the project will utilize a 10-person expert workgroup that will meet tri-annually to consult on the project. The results of the program will draw upon the applicant’s 30+ year experience managing the NJJDAP to continue and maintain a trusted source of juvenile justice statistical information. CA/NCF