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NIJ Research Track at the 2024 International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA) Conference

Submit an application to present!

Proposal submission period closed

Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal. We will make final by the week of May 30th and notify only winning proposals.

The International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA) advances the crime analysis field by providing criminal justice professionals with information, training, networking, and support (iaca.net). The IACA annual conference offers an opportunity to improve crime analyst decision-making and practices by sharing current and emerging research evidence. Conference presenters disseminate knowledge in ways that allow criminal justice practitioners to transform evidence into action.

NIJ is seeking IACA conference proposals that will translate research into actionable information. Preference will be given to proposals that clearly summarize sound research evidence and help to build knowledge and skills using practitioner-focused instruction. Presentations should clearly describe lessons learned – including tangible ideas for improving policy and practice, provide instruction to replicate studies, and/or present advice for measuring the implementation and effectiveness of new practices. Proposals that highlight research-driven innovation across crime analysis practices (e.g., use of geographic information systems; spatial data analysis for research, policy evaluation or development) will be prioritized.

IACA conference panels are limited to 60 minutes, and proposed presentations/workshops can consist of 60-minute or 30-minute presentations (30-minute presentations will be combined into panels), allotting adequate time for audience questions. Each 30-minute proposal selected will receive NIJ travel funding for one person, and each 60-minute proposal selected will receive NIJ travel funding for up to two persons.

Please note:

  • NIJ is unable to provide international travel.
  • Current NIJ grantees should use grant funds to travel to the IACA conference.
  • Travel reimbursements are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.
  • NIJ-sponsored presenters should only contact NIJ or our approved travel provider with questions. IACA is only handing the travel of their own presenters.
Date Published: March 15, 2024