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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Best Practices: Sexual Assault Investigations

Event Dates
Event Duration
120 minutes

This forum will focus on emerging techniques and developments associated with evidence collection training; evidence analysis utilizing Y-STR capabilities; victim-centric care approaches (e.g., understanding the neurobiology of the victim in sexual assault; the emerging practice of telehealth); and key factors that are essential to policy change. Forum presentations will discuss development of best practices for resolving issues related to sexual assault, and will showcase emerging technologies associated with the collection and analysis of sexual assault evidence. Forum presenters include researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders who are thoroughly involved in the development and implementation of policies that address these topics.​


Event Type
Event Option(s)
Online, On demand
Sponsor(s) / Host(s)
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), U.S. Department of Justice; Forensic Technology Center of Excellence
NIJ Forensic Technology Center of Excellence
Registration Status
Free and open to all. ​

Documentation of Attendance

Date Created: October 7, 2014