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NIJ Resources for the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) 2024 Symposium

Research evidence and technology evaluation inspire innovation and can directly impact the efficacy and efficiency of forensic crime laboratories. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is the research and development arm of the U.S. Department of Justice, and offers resources and support to state, federal, local, and tribal crime laboratories.

Research and Evaluation in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories

NIJ works with public crime laboratories on projects that identify the most efficient, accurate, reliable, and cost-effective methods for the identification, analysis, and interpretation of physical evidence. Our public lab partners are essential to making research successful in the field. 

Submit a request to contribute to the development of new solutions to meet your needs and learn more about our public labs R&D program

ASCLD Train The Director Webinar Series

NIJ’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCoE) offers live and on-demand webinars for crime lab director training. Access these free trainings.

Forensic Laboratory Needs Technology Working Group (FLN-TWG) Products

Supported by FTCOE, NIJ’s FLN-TWG provides knowledge, data, and expertise to support research, development, and operational needs of forensic technology practitioners. 

Report on the ASCLD Accreditation Initiative - This report provides guidance to support forensic science service providers interested in achieving international accreditation.

A Roadmap To Improve Research And Technology Transition In Forensic Science - This roadmap provides actions for forensic community members to develop and operationalize value-adding technologies.

Date Published: April 5, 2024