Tallahassee, FL
Kyle McLean is an Assistant Professor in the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of South Carolina, writing a dissertation on how individuals evaluate outcome fairness in police-citizen interactions. His policing research focuses on police-community relations, police training, and evaluations of policing programs. In graduate school he worked on an NIJ-funded evaluation of a social interaction training program for police officers in the Tucson, AZ and Fayetteville, NC police departments. The study was the first of its kind to use random assignment to evaluate the effects of a low-intensity, high-repetition social interaction training program in police departments. In addition to this project, he also worked on an evaluation of the Greenville, SC police department’s body-worn camera project. As an assistant professor, he has begun to develop new projects including a study of officer perceptions of body-worn camera footage of use of force incidents that includes a component evaluating a use of force training program.