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Kelly Robbins

Portrait of Kelly Robins, NIJ 2023 LEADS Scholar
Lieutenant; 2023 NIJ LEADS Law Enforcement Officer
Philadelphia (PA) Police Department

Philadelphia, PA

Lt. Kelly Robbins has served the Philadelphia Police Department for 16 years and currently works as the Executive Officer for the Department's Chief Strategy Officer.  Prior to this position, she was the commanding officer of the Records and Identification Unit, the administrative sergeant to the Regional Operations Command (South), patrol sergeant in the 9th district, and officer in the 25th district.  She served as the planning officer for the PPD's deployment during the Democratic National Convention, NFL Draft and Papal visit.  She is proud to have served as one of the Department’s first trained crime analysts while simultaneously being a member of the 25th district’s pro-active tactical patrol team. Lt. Robbins recently placed #2 in the testing process for the rank of Captain. She completed her M.S. at the University of Pennsylvania, the School of Police Staff and Command at Northwestern University, and the Applied Criminology and Data Management Program with the American Society of Evidence Based Policing.  Her research interests include procedural justice, linguistic anthropology, and culture as they relate to effective policing in a democratic society.  Her most recent research study involves the analysis of body worn camera video of vehicle stops and how relationships between procedural justice, coercion and perception of law enforcement interact.

Date Created: August 16, 2023