Baltimore, MD
Kathryn Greenbeck has served with the Baltimore County Police Department since 2001. She is currently a Shift Commander at one of the Department’s largest patrol precincts. In her tenure with the Baltimore County PD, she has been assigned to several patrol precincts, the Hostage Negotiation Team, the mobile technology unit, and the training academy. Lt. Greenbeck holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maryland. In addition, her Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Baltimore culminated in her graduate thesis, titled “Pre-Employment and Background Variables as Predictors of Success in the Police Academy.” She also contributed to a publication on correlates of police academy success. Lt. Greenbeck’s research interests include integration of evidence-based concepts into police training and education, the use of data to improve patrol operational procedures, the effects of “procedural justice” on various police interactions, and police/mental health collaborations.