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Jonas H. Baughman

Portrait of Jonas H. Baughman
Captain; 2017 NIJ LEADS Law Enforcement Officer
Kansas City Police Department, Kansas City, MO

Captain Jonas Baughman is an 18-year veteran of the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department (KCPD). A native of the Kansas City area, Captain Baughman joined the KCPD after obtaining a B.A. in psychology from Creighton University. He has held assignments in patrol, investigations, administration, and crime/intelligence analysis during his tenure. Captain Baughman quickly found crime analysis to be his professional passion early in his career with more than half of his career having been in positions related to crime or intelligence analysis. He created and supervised the KCPD's first Real-time Crime Center team, directed a squad of detectives tasked with gang intelligence, and worked in the Office of the Chief of Police providing strategic analysis and other metrics for executive staff.  Captain Baughman is currently assigned to the Fiscal Division within the Executive Services Bureau.

Captain Baughman's primary interests include spatial analysis and predictive policing, as well as data mining and data visualization. He is also interested in building upon his background in psychology through exploration of wellness programs for America's law enforcement officers and their families. Captain Baughman feels there is much to be learned by working with international police departments, allowing law enforcement agencies to leverage best practices from across the globe. He looks forward to networking with and learning from others within the LEADS program, and hopes this will ultimately make communities across America, including Kansas City, safer places to call home.

Date Created: July 17, 2017