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Jennifer Mitsch, Ed.D.

Portrait of Jennifer Mitsch, 2023 NIJ LEAD Scholar
Lieutenant, 2023 NIJ LEADS Law Enforcement Officer
Cincinnati Police Department, Greater Cincinnati Fusion Center

Cincinnati, OH

Lieutenant Jennifer Mitsch is a twenty-eight-year veteran of the Cincinnati Police Department (CPD).  Lt. Mitsch has served in Patrol, Violent Crimes, Personal Crimes, Homicide, Planning Section, Real Time Crime Center and Fusion Center prior to her current assignment as the Homicide Unit Commander. She was responsible for the creation and development of the Cincinnati Citizens Respect Our Witnesses (CCROW) program and oversees numerous Department projects. Lt. Mitsch is a primary grant writer for the department and serves as a peer reviewer for a variety of grant solicitations. 

Lt. Mitsch recently participated in the American Society of Evidence-Based Policing’s inaugural Applied Criminology and Data Management cohort where she partnered with a university researcher to explore CPD’s Real Time Crime Center. Her research interests include program evaluation, officer retention, officer wellness, use of force, witness/victim cooperation, and the impact of technology on law enforcement and public safety.

Lt. Mitsch holds a Doctor of Education in Leadership Development and Master of Science in Human Resource Development, both from Xavier University. Lt. Mitsch also serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Tennessee Chattanooga.

Date Created: August 8, 2023