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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Daniel Wagner

Portrait of Daniel Wagner
Deputy Superintendent; 2018 NIJ LEADS Law Enforcement Officer
City of Cambridge Police Department

Cambridge, MA

C. Daniel Wagner has served the City of Cambridge, MA as a police officer since 1998. He currently holds the rank of Deputy Superintendent and is the Commanding Officer of the Procedural Justice Section, where he leads the Crime Analysis Unit and the Office of Rights and Liberties--a new unit to ensure the Department adheres to the principles of procedural justice and legitimacy as well as fair and impartial policing. Deputy Superintendent Wagner works with passion to reduce crime and social harm, improve police-community relations, and advance policing. He has applied his keen interest in research, data-analytics, and community policing to develop successful crime prevention strategies. He is the founding vice president of the American Society of Evidence-Based Policing, serves on the Bureau of Justice Assistance Criminal Justice Technology Forecasting Group, and is a Policing Fellow at the Police Foundation in Washington DC. He holds a Master's in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Date Created: July 17, 2018