Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Arrest Commands

You receive a dispatch of a possible robbery. A witness was able to get the license plate of the suspect's car. The dispatcher also stated that the suspect spoke with a heavy Spanish accent.

You notice a car matching the description given. If you were to pull the car over, would you know how to give arrest commands in Spanish? In this section, we will introduce several arrest commands that will aid in maintaining control of a potentially dangerous situation.


Below is a list of arrest commands. Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Stop!

Don't move!¡No se mueva!

¡noh seh MWEH-vah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Don't move!

Drop it!¡Suéltelo!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Drop it!

Hands up!¡Manos arriba!

¡MAH-nohs ahr-REE-bah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Hands up!

Be quiet!¡Silencio!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Be quiet!

Show me!¡Enséñeme!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Show me!

Answer me!¡Contésteme!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Answer me!

Stop or I'll shoot!¡Pare o disparo!

¡PAH-reh oh dees-PAH-roh! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Stop or I'll shoot!

Turn around!¡Dése vuelta!

¡DEH-seh VOOEHL-tah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Turn around!

Spread your feet!¡Separe sus pies!

¡seh-pah-reh soos PEE-ehs! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Spread your feet!

Sit down!¡Siéntese!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Sit down!



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Slowly!

Kneel down!¡Arrodíllese!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Kneel down!

Against the car!¡Contra el carro!

¡KOHN-trah ehl KAHR-roh! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Against the car!

Lie on the ground!¡Ponga su cara al suelo!

¡POHN-gah soo KAH-rah ahl SWEH-loh! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Lie on the ground!

Come here!¡Venga aquí!

¡VEHN-gah ah-KEE! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Come here!

Don't run!¡No corra!

¡noh KOHR-rah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Don't run!

Tell me!¡Dígame!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Tell me!

Call off the dog!¡Llame el perro!/¡Háblele al perro!

¡YAH-meh ehl PEH-rroh!/¡AH-blah-leh ahl PEH-rroh! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Call off the dog!

Don't stop!¡No se pare!/¡No se detenga!

¡noh seh PAH-reh!/¡noh seh deh-tehn-gah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Don't stop!

Follow me!¡Sígame!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Follow me!

Hurry up!¡Con prisa!

¡kohn PREE-sah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Hurry up!

Stand up!¡Levántese!


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Stand up!

Put your hands behind your head!¡Ponga su manos detrás de su cabezal!

¡POHN-gah soos MAH-nohs deh-TRAHs deh soo kah-BEH-sah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Put your hands behind your head!

Don't do it!¡No lo haga!

¡noh loh AH-gah! 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Don't do it!

Disclaimer Notice: Miranda Warning

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this course, the following disclaimer needs attention.

Local agencies need to consult their manuals for information regarding the Miranda Warning.

Laws and legal decisions vary from state to state, and municipality to municipality. Law enforcement personnel are advised to review local decisions and to always follow the local agencies' policies.

View at your own risk. Eastern Kentucky University takes no responsibility for any of the content delivered in this product.

The Miranda Warning

Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
You have the right to remain silent.Usted tiene el derecho de permanecer callado.

oo-STEHD TEEAY-neh ehl deh-REH-choh deh pehr-mah-neh-SEHR kah-YAH-doh. 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of You have the right to remain silent.

If you choose to speak, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.Si decide hablar con nosotros, cualquier cosa que diga puede ser usada en contra de usted en un juicio.

see DEH-see-deh ah-BLAHR kohn noh-SOH-trohs, kwahl-kee-EHR KOH-sah kay DEE-gah PWEH-deh sehr oo-SAH-dah ehn KOHN-trah oo-STEHD ehn ohn HOO-ee-see-oh.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of If you choose to speak, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.

You have the right to speak with an attorney and to have the attorney present during the interrogation.Usted tiene el derecho de hablar con un abogado, y de tenerlo presente durante el interrogatorio.

oo-STEHD TEEAY-neh ehl deh-REH-choh deh ah-BLAHR kohn oon ab-boh-GAH-doh, ee deh, teh-NEHR-loh preh-SEHN-teh doo-RAHN-teh ehl een-teh-roh-gah-TOHR-ee-oh. 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of You have the right to speak with an attorney and to have the attorney present during the interrogation.

If you cannot afford an attorney and you want one, you will be assigned one to represent you.Si usted no puede pagar o costear un abogado, se le nombrará uno para que le represente antes de que lo interroguen, si usted asi lo desea.

see oo-STEHD noh PWEH-deh pah-GAHR oh koh-steh-AHR oon ah-boh-GAH-doh, seh leh nohm-brah-RAH OO-noh PAH-rah kay loh reh-preh-SEHN-teh AHN-tehs deh kay loh een-teh-RROH-gehn, see oo-STEHD AH-see loh deh-SAY-ah. 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of If you cannot afford an attorney and you want one, you will be assigned one to represent you.

You will need to be familiar with the Spanish pronunciations of several different types of weapons. In this section you will be introduced to those weapons that are most common.


Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

English Spanish Pronunciation

batel bate

ehl BAH-teh 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of bat

bottlela botella

la boh-TEH-yah 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of bottle

brass knuckleslas manoplas

lahs mah-NOH-plahs 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of brass knuckles

chainla cadena

lah kah-DEH-nah 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of chain

gunla pistola/la fusca

lah pees-TOH-lah/lah foos-kah 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of gun

knifeel cuchillo

ehl koo-CHEE-yoh 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of knife

pipeel tubo

ehl TOO-boh 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of pipe

rifleel rifle

ehl REE-fleh 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of rifle

shotgunla escopeta

lah ehs-koh-PEH-tah 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of shotgun

stickgarrote or el palo

gahr-roh-teh or ehl PAH-loh 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of stick

tire ironla palanca

lah pah-LAHN-kah 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of tire iron

razor blade/switchbladela navaja

lah nah-VAH-hah 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of razor blade/switchblade

As a law enforcement officer, you will be faced with many situations involving Spanish speaking people.

Your reactions to these situations will depend on your ability to understand what is being said. Your ability to recognize danger phrases will help you maintain control of the situation.


Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

English Spanish Pronunciation

stab him/herpicalo/córtalo/acuchillalo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of stab him/her

beat him/herdale en la madre/pégale

DAH-leh ehn la MAH-dreh/PEH-gah-leh 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of beat him/her

choke him/herahorcalo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of choke him/her

hit him/hergolpealo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of hit him/her

get him/heragarralo/péscalo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of get him/her

hold him/herdetenlo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of hold him/her

grab him/her/itagárralo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of grab him/her/it

kill him/hermátalo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of kill him/her

shoot him/herdispárele/tírale


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of shoot him/her

trap him/heratrápalo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of trap him/her

jump on him/hersalta encima de él

SAHL-tah ehn-SEE-mah dah ehl 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of jump on him/her

punch him/hergolpealo/pégale


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of punch him/her

get his/her guncoje su pistola/agarrale su pistola/quítale la pistola

KOH-heh soo pee-STOH-lah/ah-GARH-ah-leh soo pee-STOH-lah/koo-EE-tah-leh soo pee-STOH-lah 

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of get his/her gun

swallow ittrágatelo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of swallow it

throw it awaytíralo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of throw it away

let's govamonos


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of let's go



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of run

do ithazlo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of do it



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of hide



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of hurry

look/watch outcuidado/aguale/aguas


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of look/watch out


In this lesson we have presented phonetic spellings and Spanish pronunciations of words and phrases in the following areas:

  • Arrest commands
  • The Miranda Warning
  • Weapons
  • Dangerous expressions

These areas are important for law enforcement personnel to recognize because a potentially threatening situation may pose danger to them and private citizens.

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Fecha de Creación: 11 de Octubre de 2024