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Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to identify the phonetic spelling of:
The below content will introduce the pronunciation of Spanish words for body parts.
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
ear | la oreja |
lah oh-REH-hah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of ear |
forehead | la frente |
lah FREHN-teh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of forehead |
hair | el pelo |
ehl PEH-loh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of hair |
head | la cabeza |
lah kah-BEH-sah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of head |
face | la cara |
lah KAH-rah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of face |
eyes | los ojos |
lohs OH-hohs Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of eyes |
mouth | la boca |
lah BOH-kah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of mouth |
chest | el pecho |
ehl PEH-choh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of chest |
arm | el brazo |
ehl BRAH-soh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of arm |
hand | la mano |
lah MAH-noh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of hand |
finger | los dedos (de la mano) |
lohs DEH-dohs (deh lah MAH-noh) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of finger |
back | la espalda |
lah ehs-PAHL-dah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of back |
leg | la pierna |
lah PEEAYR-nah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of leg |
foot | el pie |
ehl PEE-eh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of foot |
toes | los dedos (del pie) |
lohs DEH-dohs (dehl PEE-eh) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of toes |
The below content will introduce the pronunciation of Spanish words for clothing items.
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
clothing | la ropa |
lah ROH-pah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of clothing |
blouse | la blusa |
lah BLOO-sah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of blouse |
cap | la gorra |
lah GOHR-rah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of cap |
hat | el sombrero |
ehl sohm-BREH-roh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of hat |
jacket | la chaqueta |
lah chah-KAY-tah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of jacket |
mask | máscara |
MAHS-kah-rah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of mask |
blue jeans | los pantalones azules |
lohs pahn-tah-LOH-nehs ah-SOOL-ehs Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of blue jeans |
pants | los pantalones |
lohs pahn-tah-LOH-nehs Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of pants |
shoes | los zapatos |
lohs sah-PAH-tohs Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of shoes |
sneakers | el tenis |
ehl TEH-nees Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of sneakers |
pockets | los bolsillos |
lohs bohl-SEE-yohs Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of pockets |
shirt (t-shirt) | la playera |
lah plah-YEH-rah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of shirt (t-shirt) |
shirt (button up) | la camisa |
lah kah-MEE-sah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of shirt (button up) |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: Can you describe the suspects? | ¿Puede describir a los sospechosos? |
PWEH-deh deh-skree-BEER ah lohs soh-speh-CHOH-sohs? Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Can you describe the suspects? |
Person interviewed: Yes, there were two. | Si, eran dos. |
SEE, ER-rahn dohs. Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, there were two. |
Officer: Two suspects? | ¿Dos sospechosos? |
dohs soh-speh-CHOH-sohs? Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Two suspects? |
Person interviewed: Yes, a man and a woman. | Si, un hombre y una mujer. |
SEE, oon OHM-breh ee OO-nah moo-HEHR. Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, a man and a woman. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Person interviewed: The woman was a little further away and I couldn't see her face. She was wearing a hat, blue pants, and a blouse. | La mujer estaba un poco más lejos y no le pude ver la cara. Tenía un sombrerito, tenía unos pantelones azules y una blusa. |
la moo-HEHR, eh-STAH-bah OON POH-koh mahs LEH-hohs ee noh leh POO-deh vehr lah KAH-rah. tehn-NEE-ah oon sohm-breh-REE-toh, teh-NEE-ah OO-nohs pahn-tah-LOH-nehs ah-SOOL-ehs ee OO-nah BLOO-sah. Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of The woman was a little further away and I couldn't see her face. She was wearing a hat, blue pants, and a blouse. |
Hair Color and Styles
The below content will introduce the pronunciation of Spanish words for different hair colors and styles.
Hair Color Vocabulary
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
red | rojo | ROH-hoh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of red |
silver | plata | PLAH-tah
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of silver |
black | negro | NEH-groh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of black |
white | blanco |
BLAHN-koh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of white |
blonde | rubio | ROO-bee-oh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of blonde |
brunette | moreno | moh-REH-noh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of brunette |
gray | gris or canoso | grees or kah-NOH-soh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of gray |
brown | café or castaño | kah-FEH/kah-STAHN-nyoh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of brown |
Hair Styles Vocabulary
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
short | corto | KOHR-toh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of short |
long | largo | LAHR-goh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of long |
straight | lacio | lah-SEE-oh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of straight |
curly | rizo | REE-soh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of curly |
bald | calvo | KAHL-voh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of bald |
frizzy | esponjado | eh-spohn-HAH-doh
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of frizzy |
shaved (very short hair) | pelón | peh-LOHN
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of shaved (very short hair) |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: Ma'am, what happened? | Señora, qué pasó? | sehn-NYOH-rah, KAY pah-SOH?
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Ma'am, what happened? |
Person interviewed: Some men stole my purse with my money and important papers, and then pushed me down. | Unos hombres me robaron mi bolsa con mi dinero y papeles importantes y después me empujaron. |
OO-nohs OHM-brehs meh roh-BAHR-ohn mee BOHL-sah kohn mee dee-NEH-roh ee pah-PEHL-ehs eem-pohr-TAHN-tehs ee deh-SPWEHS meh ehm-poo-HAHR-ohn. Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Some men stole my purse with my money and important papers, and then pushed me down. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: Are you hurt? | Está usted lastimada? | eh-STAH oo-STEHD lah-stee-MAH-dah?
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you hurt? |
Person interviewed: I'm fine, thank you. | Estoy bien, gracias. | eh-STOH-ee BEE-ehn, GRAH-see-ahs.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I'm fine, thank you. |
Officer: Can you identify them? | Podría identificarlos? | poh-DREE-ah ee-dehn-tee-fee-KAHR-lohs?
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Can you identify them? |
Person interviewed: I don't know, I believe I can. | No sé, yo creo que si. | Noh SEH, yoh KREH-oh kay SEE.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I don't know, I believe I can. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: These are photographs of different men. | Estas son fotografias de diferentes hombres. | EHS-tahs sohn foh-toh-grah-FEE-ahs deh dee-feh-REHN-tehs OHM-brehs.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of These are photographs of different men. |
Officer:These are men with short blonde hair. | Hay hombres con pelo corto y rubio. | eye OHM-brehs kohn PEH-loh KOHR-toh ee ROO-bee-oh.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of These are men with short blonde hair. |
Officer: Men with long straight black hair. | Hombres con pelo largo, negro y lacio. | OHM-brehs kohn PEH-loh LAHR-goh, NEH-groh ee lah-SEE-oh.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Men with long straight black hair. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: Men with curly red hair. | Hombres con pelo rizado y rojo. | OHM-brehs kohn PEH-loh ree-SAH-doh ee ROH-hoh.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Men with curly red hair. |
Officer: Bald men. | Hombres calvos. | OHM-brehs KAHL-vohs.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Bald men. |
Officer: Men of different nationalities with frizzy hair or gray color. | Hombres de diferentes nacionalidades que tienen pelo esponjado, o de pelo canoso. | OHM-brehs deh dee-feh-REHN-tehs nah-see-oh-nah-lee-DAHS-ehs kay TEEAYN-ehn PEH-loh eh-spohn-HAH-doh, ee oh deh PEH-loh kah-NOH-soh. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: Please look at all the photographs and tell me if you see the men who robbed you. | Por favor mire todas las fotografias y díagame si ve a los hombres que la robaron. | pohr fah-VOHR MEE-reh TOH-dahs lahs foh-toh-grah-FEE-ahs ee DEE-gah-meh see veh ah lohs OHM-brehs kay lah roh-bahr-OHN.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Please look at all the photographs and tell me if you see the men who robbed you. |
Person interviewed: Very well, thank you. | Está bien, gracias. | eh-STAH BEE-ehn, GRAH-see-ahs.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Very well, thank you. |
People come in all sizes and shapes. In this section, we will introduce Spanish words that describe different body sizes.
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
fat | gordo or grueso |
GOHR-doh or groo-EH-soh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of fat |
skinny | flaco or delgado |
FLAH-koh or dehl-GAH-doh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of skinny |
large | grande |
GRAHN-deh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of large |
small | pequenó |
peh-kayn-NYOH Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of small |
medium | mediano |
meh-DEEAH-noh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of medium |
tall | alto |
AHL-toh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of tall |
short (female) | baja |
BAH-hah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of short |
The following pages will introduce the pronunciation of the Spanish words for different races.
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
African American | afro americano |
ah-froh ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of African American |
Caucasian | caucásico |
kow-oo-KAH-see-koh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Caucasian |
dark | oscuro or obscuro |
ohs-KOO-roh or ohb-SKOO-roh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of dark |
light | claro |
KLAH-roh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of light |
Asian | asiático |
ah-SEEAH-tee-koh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Asian |
Hispanic (Spanish origin) | hispano |
ees-PAH-noh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Hispanic (Spanish origin) |
Latino (from Latin American countries) | latino |
lah-TEE-noh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Latino (from Latin American countries) |
Native American | nativo americano |
nah-TEE-voh ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Native American |
Body Markings and Distinctive Features
This section will introduce Spanish words for body markings and distinctive features.
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
beard | la barba |
lah BAHR-bah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of beard |
beauty mark | el lunar |
ehl loo-NAHR Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of beauty mark |
birthmark | la mancha |
lah MAHN-chah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of birthmark |
freckles | las pecas |
lahs PEH-kahs Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of freckles |
goatee | la barbilla |
lah bahr-BEE-yah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of goatee |
mustache | el bigote |
ehl bee-GOH-teh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of mustache |
scar | las cicatriz |
lahs see-kah-TREES Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of scar |
tattoo | el tatuaje |
ehl tah-TOOAH-heh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of tattoo |
The below content will introduce the pronunciation of Spanish words for vehicle parts.
Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
car | el carro or el coche |
ehl KAHR-roh or ehl KOH-cheh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of car |
door | la puerta |
lah PWEHR-tah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of door |
engine | el motor |
ehl moh-TOHR Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of engine |
glove compartment | la guantera |
lah gwahn-TEH-rah Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of glove compartment |
headlight | el faro delantero |
ehl FAH-roh deh-lahn-TEH-roh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of headlight |
passenger side | el lado pasajero |
ehl LAH-doh dehl pah-sah-HEH-roh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of passenger side |
radio | el radio |
ehl RAH-deeoh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of radio |
turn signal | la señal de dirección |
lah seh-NYAHL deh-ee-rehk-see-OHN Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of turn signal |
taillight | el faro trasero |
ehl FAH-roh trah-SEH-roh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of taillight |
steering wheel | el volante |
ehl voh-LAHN-teh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of steering wheel |
seat | el asiento |
ehl ah-see-EHN-toh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of seat |
vehicle | el vehículo |
ehl veh-HEE-koo-loh Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of vehicle |
Physical descriptions of suspects and vehicles can provide law enforcement officers with the means to apprehend criminals, make arrests, or defuse a potentially violent situation. The information provided in this lesson is extremely useful when interviewing and questioning victims and suspects at a crime scene or accident site. This lesson introduced Spanish words and phonetic spellings of:
- Parts of the human body and body types
- Articles of clothing
- Hair colors and styles
- Racial identification
- Body markings and distinctive features
- Parts of a vehicle
Additional Online Courses
- What Every First Responding Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence
- Collecting DNA Evidence at Property Crime Scenes
- DNA – A Prosecutor’s Practice Notebook
- Crime Scene and DNA Basics
- Laboratory Safety Programs
- DNA Amplification
- Population Genetics and Statistics
- Non-STR DNA Markers: SNPs, Y-STRs, LCN and mtDNA
- Firearms Examiner Training
- Forensic DNA Education for Law Enforcement Decisionmakers
- What Every Investigator and Evidence Technician Should Know About DNA Evidence
- Principles of Forensic DNA for Officers of the Court
- Law 101: Legal Guide for the Forensic Expert
- Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues
- DNA Extraction and Quantitation
- STR Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Communication Skills, Report Writing, and Courtroom Testimony
- Español for Law Enforcement
- Amplified DNA Product Separation for Forensic Analysts