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Español for Law Enforcement
Domestic Violence 1: Videos
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Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Ma'am speak slower. What is your problem?
Person Interviewed: My husband called and threatened to kill me. He is on his way over and I am afraid because he is drunk and he is very dangerous.
Mi esposo me llamó y me amenazó con matarme. Él viene en camino y tengo miedo porque él está borracho y es muy peligroso.
(mee ehs-POH-soh meh yah-MOH ee meh ah-meh-nah-SOH kohn mah-TAHR-meh. EHL vee-EHN-eh ehn kah-MEE-noh ee TEHN-goh MEEAY-doh POHR-kay EHL eh-STAH bohr-RAH-choh ee ehs MOO-ee peh-lee-GROH-soh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of My husband called and threatened to kill me. He is on his way over and I am afraid because he is drunk and he is very dangerous.
Dispatcher: What is your name and what is your husband's name?
¿Cómo se llama usted y cuál es el nombre de su esposo?
(¿KOH-moh seh YAH-mah oo-STEHD ee kwahl ehs ehl NOHM-breh deh soo ehs-POH-soh?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your name and what is your husband's name?
Person Interviewed: My name is Priscilla Ortiz and my husband's name is Hector.
Me llamo Priscilla Ortiz y mi esposo se llama Hector.
(meh YAH-moh Priscilla Ortiz ee mee ehs-POH-soh seh YAH-mah Hector.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of My name is Priscilla Ortiz and my husband's name is Hector.
Dispatcher: Do you have protection order against this person?
¿Tiene usted una orden de protección o restricción contra esta persona?