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Interview 1
Open each accordion below to play the video, listen to the Spanish pronunciation, and read the transcript in English and Spanish.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: The ambulance is on its way. | La ambulancia viene en camino. |
(lah ahm-boo-LAHN-seeah VEEAY-neh ehn kah-MEE-noh) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of "The ambulance is on its way" |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: What happened tonight, Miss? | ¿Qué pasó esta noche señora? |
(¿KAY pah-SOH eh-STAH NOH-cheh seh-NYOH-rah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What happened tonight miss |
Person interviewed: It was a very dark night. The motorcycle didn't have taillights and we didn't see it before we crashed. | Está muy oscuro. La motocicleta no traía el faro trasero y no la vimos antes de chocar con ella. |
(eh-STAH MOO-ee ohs-KOO-roh. lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah noh try-EE-ah ehl FAH-roh trah-SEH-roh ee no lah VEE-mohs AHN-tehs deh choh-KAHR kohn EH-yah.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of It was a very dark night. The motorcycle didn't have taillights and we didn't see it before we crashed |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Who was driving the truck? | ¿Quién iba manejando la camioneta? |
(¿kee-EHN EE-bah man-neh-HAHN-doh lah kah-mee-oh-NEH-tah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of who was driving the truck |
Person Interviewed said: I was driving. | Yo iba manejando. |
(yoh EE-bah mah-neh-HAHN-doh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I was driving |
The Officer then said: Your license or identification, registration and insurance please. | Muéstreme por favor su licencia, o identificatión, la matrícula del carro y su seguro, por favor. |
(MWEHS-treh-meh pohr fah-VOHR soo lee-SEHN-seeah, oh ee-dehn-tee-fee-kah-see-OHN, lah mah-TREE-koo-lah dehl KAHR-roh ee soo seh-GOO-roh, pohr fah-VOHR.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Your license or identification, registration and insurance please. |
The Person Interviewed then said: Of course. | Por supuesto |
(pohr soo-PWEHS-toh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of of course |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Who is the owner of the pick-up truck? | ¿Quién es el dueño de la camioneta? |
(¿kee-EHN ehs ehl DWEH-nyoh deh lah kah-mee-oh-NEH-tah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of who is the owner of the pickup truck |
Person Interviewed said: My boss. | De mi patrón. |
(deh MEE pah-TROHN.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of My boss |
The Officer then said: What is your boss's name? | ¿Cómo se llama su patrón? |
(¿KOH-moh seh YAH-mah seh YAH-mah soo pah-TROHN?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your boss's name |
The Person Interviewed then said: Juan Miguel. | Juan Miguel. |
(Juan Miguel.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Juan Miguel |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: And your boss's complete address? | ¿Y la dirección completa de su patrón? |
(¿ee lah dee-rehk-see-OHN kohm-PLEH-tah deh soo pah-TROHN?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of and your boss's complete address |
Person Interviewed said: I believe that it's Sanders Street... I don't remember the number. | Creo que la calle Sanders, pero no recuerdo el número. |
(KREH-oh kay lah KAH-yeh Sanders, peh-roh no reh-KWEHR-doh ehl NOO-meh-roh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I believe that it's Sanders Street I don't remember the number |
Other Person then said: 541 Sanders Street. | Quinientos cuarenta y uno de la calle Sanders. |
(kee-NEEAYN-tohs kwah-REHN-tah ee OO-noh deh lah KAH-yeh Sanders.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of 541 Sanders Street |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Are you all relatives/related? | ¿Ustedes son parientes? |
(¿oo-STEHD-ehs sohn pah-REEAYN-tehs?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you all relatives/related |
Person Interviewed said: Yes, she is my wife and she is my daughter. The other man is my friend from work. | Sí, ella es mi esposa y ella es mi hija. Y el otro es mi compañero de trabajo. |
(SEE, EH-yah ehs mee ehs-POH-sah ee EH-yah ehs mee EE-hah. ee ehl OH-troh ehs mee kohm-pah-NYEH-roh deh trah-BAH-hoh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, she is my wife and she is my daughter. The other man is my friend from work. |
The Officer then said: Where do you live? | ¿Dónde viven? |
(¿DOHN-deh VEE-vehn oo-STEHD-ehs?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Where do you live |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Person interviewed said: We live near our boss. 535 Sanders Street. | Vivimos cerca de nuestro patrón. En quinientos treinta y cinco de la calle Sanders. |
(vee-VEE-mohs SEHR-kah deh NWEH-stroh pah-TROHN. ehn kee-NEEAYN-tohs TRAY-tah ee SEEN-koh deh lah KAH-yeh Sanders.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of We live near our boss. 535 Sanders Street |
Officer said: Slower, please | Más despacio, por favor. |
(mahs deh-SPAH-seeh-oh, pohr fah-VOHR.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Slower, please |
Person interviewed then said: Sorry, 535 Sanders Street. | Perdón, quinientos treinta y cinco en la calle Sanders. |
(pehr-DOHN, kee-KEEAYN-tohs TRAYN-tah ee SEEN-koh ehn lah KAH-yeh Sanders.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Sorry, 535 Sanders Street. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Do you need a doctor? | ¿Necesita, un doctor? |
(¿neh-seh-SEE-tah, oon dohk-TOHR?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you need a doctor? |
Person Interviewed said: No, thank you. | No, gracias. |
(NOH GRAH-see-ahs.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No, thank you |
Officer then said: Are you sure that you (all) are not hurt? | ¿Está Ud. segura que ustedes no están lastimados? |
(¿eh-STAH oo-STEHD, seh-GOO-rah kay oo-STEHD-ehs noh eh-STAHN lah-tee-MAH-dohs?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you sure that you (all) are not hurt? |
The Person Interviewed then said: We are fine. My head hurts, but I believe it is from the stress. | Estamos bien. Me duele la cabeza, pero creo que es el estrés. |
(eh-STAH-mohs BEE-een. me DWEH-leh lah kah-BEH-sah, PEH-roh KREH-oh kay ehs ehl eh-STREHS.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of We are fine. My head hurts, but I believe it is from the stress. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Were you all wearing your seat belts and using a child seat for your daughter? | ¿Traían ustedes puestos los cinturones de seguridad y usaban un asiento para su hija? |
(¿try-EE-ahn oo-STEHD-ehs PWEHS-tohs lohs seen-too-ROHN-ehs deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD ee oo-SAH-bahn oon ah-see-EHN-toh PAH-rah soo EE-hah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Were you all wearing your seat belts and using a child seat for your daughter? |
Person Interviewed said: Yes, everyone, with the exception of my friend Pablo. | Sí todos, con la exceptión de mi amigo, Pablo. |
(SEE TOH-dohs, kohn lah ehk-sehp-see-OHN deh mee ah-MEE-goh, Pablo.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, everyone, with the exception of my friend Pablo. |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Again, tell me what happened. | Otra vez, dígame que pasó. |
(OH-trah vehs, DEE-gah-meh kay pah-SOH.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Again, tell me what happened. |
Person Interviewed said: I was driving and couldn't see the motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle fell off. We went off the road and crashed against the tree. Is he (the driver) okay? | Iba manejando y no pude ver la motocicleta. El conductor de la motocicleta se cayó. Nos salimos del camino y chocamos contra el arbol. ¿Y, Él está bien? |
(EE-bah mah-neh-HAHN-doh ee noh POO-deh vehr lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah. ehl kohn-dook-TOHR deh lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah seh kye-YOH. nohs sah-LEE-mohs dehl kah-MEE-noh ee choh-KAH-mohs KOHN-trah ehl AHR-bohl. ¿EE, EHL eh-STAH BEE-ehn?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I was driving and couldn't see the motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle fell off. We went off the road and crashed against the tree. Is he (the driver) okay? |
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: I don't know, but he is not dead. The ambulance is going to take him to the hospital. Do you need a tow truck? | No sé, pero no está muerto, la ambulancia va a llervarlo al hospital. ¿Necesita una grúa? |
(noh SEH, PEH-roh noh eh-STAH MWEHR-toh. lah ahm-boo-LAHN-seeah vah ah yeh-VAHR-loh ahl oh-spee-TAHL. ¿neh-seh-SEE-tah OO-nah GROO-ah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I don't know, but he is not dead. The ambulance is going to take him to the hospital. Do you need a tow truck. |
Person Interviewed said: Yes. | Sí. |
(SEE.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes |
You have completed this scenario exercise.
Note: the video can now be played in its entirety.
Additional Online Courses
- What Every First Responding Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence
- Collecting DNA Evidence at Property Crime Scenes
- DNA – A Prosecutor’s Practice Notebook
- Crime Scene and DNA Basics
- Laboratory Safety Programs
- DNA Amplification
- Population Genetics and Statistics
- Non-STR DNA Markers: SNPs, Y-STRs, LCN and mtDNA
- Firearms Examiner Training
- Forensic DNA Education for Law Enforcement Decisionmakers
- What Every Investigator and Evidence Technician Should Know About DNA Evidence
- Principles of Forensic DNA for Officers of the Court
- Law 101: Legal Guide for the Forensic Expert
- Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues
- DNA Extraction and Quantitation
- STR Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Communication Skills, Report Writing, and Courtroom Testimony
- Español for Law Enforcement
- Amplified DNA Product Separation for Forensic Analysts