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Interview 1
Open each accordion below to play the video, listen to the Spanish pronunciation, and read the transcript in English and Spanish.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: The ambulance is on its way.
La ambulancia viene en camino.
(lah ahm-boo-LAHN-seeah VEEAY-neh ehn kah-MEE-noh)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of "The ambulance is on its way"
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: The ambulance is on its way. | La ambulancia viene en camino. |
(lah ahm-boo-LAHN-seeah VEEAY-neh ehn kah-MEE-noh) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of "The ambulance is on its way" |
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: What happened tonight, Miss?
¿Qué pasó esta noche señora?
(¿KAY pah-SOH eh-STAH NOH-cheh seh-NYOH-rah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What happened tonight miss
Person interviewed: It was a very dark night. The motorcycle didn't have taillights and we didn't see it before we crashed.
Está muy oscuro. La motocicleta no traía el faro trasero y no la vimos antes de chocar con ella.
(eh-STAH MOO-ee ohs-KOO-roh. lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah noh try-EE-ah ehl FAH-roh trah-SEH-roh ee no lah VEE-mohs AHN-tehs deh choh-KAHR kohn EH-yah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of It was a very dark night. The motorcycle didn't have taillights and we didn't see it before we crashed
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
Officer: What happened tonight, Miss? | ¿Qué pasó esta noche señora? |
(¿KAY pah-SOH eh-STAH NOH-cheh seh-NYOH-rah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What happened tonight miss |
Person interviewed: It was a very dark night. The motorcycle didn't have taillights and we didn't see it before we crashed. | Está muy oscuro. La motocicleta no traía el faro trasero y no la vimos antes de chocar con ella. |
(eh-STAH MOO-ee ohs-KOO-roh. lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah noh try-EE-ah ehl FAH-roh trah-SEH-roh ee no lah VEE-mohs AHN-tehs deh choh-KAHR kohn EH-yah.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of It was a very dark night. The motorcycle didn't have taillights and we didn't see it before we crashed |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: Who was driving the truck?
¿Quién iba manejando la camioneta?
(¿kee-EHN EE-bah man-neh-HAHN-doh lah kah-mee-oh-NEH-tah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of who was driving the truck
Person Interviewed said: I was driving.
Yo iba manejando.
(yoh EE-bah mah-neh-HAHN-doh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I was driving
The Officer then said: Your license or identification, registration and insurance please.
Muéstreme por favor su licencia, o identificatión, la matrícula del carro y su seguro, por favor.
(MWEHS-treh-meh pohr fah-VOHR soo lee-SEHN-seeah, oh ee-dehn-tee-fee-kah-see-OHN, lah mah-TREE-koo-lah dehl KAHR-roh ee soo seh-GOO-roh, pohr fah-VOHR.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Your license or identification, registration and insurance please.
The Person Interviewed then said: Of course.
Por supuesto
(pohr soo-PWEHS-toh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of of course
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Who was driving the truck? | ¿Quién iba manejando la camioneta? |
(¿kee-EHN EE-bah man-neh-HAHN-doh lah kah-mee-oh-NEH-tah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of who was driving the truck |
Person Interviewed said: I was driving. | Yo iba manejando. |
(yoh EE-bah mah-neh-HAHN-doh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I was driving |
The Officer then said: Your license or identification, registration and insurance please. | Muéstreme por favor su licencia, o identificatión, la matrícula del carro y su seguro, por favor. |
(MWEHS-treh-meh pohr fah-VOHR soo lee-SEHN-seeah, oh ee-dehn-tee-fee-kah-see-OHN, lah mah-TREE-koo-lah dehl KAHR-roh ee soo seh-GOO-roh, pohr fah-VOHR.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Your license or identification, registration and insurance please. |
The Person Interviewed then said: Of course. | Por supuesto |
(pohr soo-PWEHS-toh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of of course |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: Who is the owner of the pick-up truck?
¿Quién es el dueño de la camioneta?
(¿kee-EHN ehs ehl DWEH-nyoh deh lah kah-mee-oh-NEH-tah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of who is the owner of the pickup truck
Person Interviewed said: My boss.
De mi patrón.
(deh MEE pah-TROHN.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of My boss
The Officer then said: What is your boss's name?
¿Cómo se llama su patrón?
(¿KOH-moh seh YAH-mah seh YAH-mah soo pah-TROHN?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your boss's name
The Person Interviewed then said: Juan Miguel.
Juan Miguel.
(Juan Miguel.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Juan Miguel
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Who is the owner of the pick-up truck? | ¿Quién es el dueño de la camioneta? |
(¿kee-EHN ehs ehl DWEH-nyoh deh lah kah-mee-oh-NEH-tah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of who is the owner of the pickup truck |
Person Interviewed said: My boss. | De mi patrón. |
(deh MEE pah-TROHN.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of My boss |
The Officer then said: What is your boss's name? | ¿Cómo se llama su patrón? |
(¿KOH-moh seh YAH-mah seh YAH-mah soo pah-TROHN?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your boss's name |
The Person Interviewed then said: Juan Miguel. | Juan Miguel. |
(Juan Miguel.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Juan Miguel |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: And your boss's complete address?
¿Y la dirección completa de su patrón?
(¿ee lah dee-rehk-see-OHN kohm-PLEH-tah deh soo pah-TROHN?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of and your boss's complete address
Person Interviewed said: I believe that it's Sanders Street... I don't remember the number.
Creo que la calle Sanders, pero no recuerdo el número.
(KREH-oh kay lah KAH-yeh Sanders, peh-roh no reh-KWEHR-doh ehl NOO-meh-roh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I believe that it's Sanders Street I don't remember the number
Other Person then said: 541 Sanders Street.
Quinientos cuarenta y uno de la calle Sanders.
(kee-NEEAYN-tohs kwah-REHN-tah ee OO-noh deh lah KAH-yeh Sanders.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of 541 Sanders Street
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: And your boss's complete address? | ¿Y la dirección completa de su patrón? |
(¿ee lah dee-rehk-see-OHN kohm-PLEH-tah deh soo pah-TROHN?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of and your boss's complete address |
Person Interviewed said: I believe that it's Sanders Street... I don't remember the number. | Creo que la calle Sanders, pero no recuerdo el número. |
(KREH-oh kay lah KAH-yeh Sanders, peh-roh no reh-KWEHR-doh ehl NOO-meh-roh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I believe that it's Sanders Street I don't remember the number |
Other Person then said: 541 Sanders Street. | Quinientos cuarenta y uno de la calle Sanders. |
(kee-NEEAYN-tohs kwah-REHN-tah ee OO-noh deh lah KAH-yeh Sanders.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of 541 Sanders Street |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: Are you all relatives/related?
¿Ustedes son parientes?
(¿oo-STEHD-ehs sohn pah-REEAYN-tehs?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you all relatives/related
Person Interviewed said: Yes, she is my wife and she is my daughter. The other man is my friend from work.
Sí, ella es mi esposa y ella es mi hija. Y el otro es mi compañero de trabajo.
(SEE, EH-yah ehs mee ehs-POH-sah ee EH-yah ehs mee EE-hah. ee ehl OH-troh ehs mee kohm-pah-NYEH-roh deh trah-BAH-hoh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, she is my wife and she is my daughter. The other man is my friend from work.
The Officer then said: Where do you live?
¿Dónde viven?
(¿DOHN-deh VEE-vehn oo-STEHD-ehs?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Where do you live
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Are you all relatives/related? | ¿Ustedes son parientes? |
(¿oo-STEHD-ehs sohn pah-REEAYN-tehs?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you all relatives/related |
Person Interviewed said: Yes, she is my wife and she is my daughter. The other man is my friend from work. | Sí, ella es mi esposa y ella es mi hija. Y el otro es mi compañero de trabajo. |
(SEE, EH-yah ehs mee ehs-POH-sah ee EH-yah ehs mee EE-hah. ee ehl OH-troh ehs mee kohm-pah-NYEH-roh deh trah-BAH-hoh.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, she is my wife and she is my daughter. The other man is my friend from work. |
The Officer then said: Where do you live? | ¿Dónde viven? |
(¿DOHN-deh VEE-vehn oo-STEHD-ehs?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Where do you live |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Person interviewed said: We live near our boss. 535 Sanders Street.
Vivimos cerca de nuestro patrón. En quinientos treinta y cinco de la calle Sanders.
(vee-VEE-mohs SEHR-kah deh NWEH-stroh pah-TROHN. ehn kee-NEEAYN-tohs TRAY-tah ee SEEN-koh deh lah KAH-yeh Sanders.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of We live near our boss. 535 Sanders Street
Officer said: Slower, please
Más despacio, por favor.
(mahs deh-SPAH-seeh-oh, pohr fah-VOHR.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Slower, please
Person interviewed then said: Sorry, 535 Sanders Street.
Perdón, quinientos treinta y cinco en la calle Sanders.
(pehr-DOHN, kee-KEEAYN-tohs TRAYN-tah ee SEEN-koh ehn lah KAH-yeh Sanders.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Sorry, 535 Sanders Street.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Person interviewed said: We live near our boss. 535 Sanders Street. | Vivimos cerca de nuestro patrón. En quinientos treinta y cinco de la calle Sanders. |
(vee-VEE-mohs SEHR-kah deh NWEH-stroh pah-TROHN. ehn kee-NEEAYN-tohs TRAY-tah ee SEEN-koh deh lah KAH-yeh Sanders.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of We live near our boss. 535 Sanders Street |
Officer said: Slower, please | Más despacio, por favor. |
(mahs deh-SPAH-seeh-oh, pohr fah-VOHR.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Slower, please |
Person interviewed then said: Sorry, 535 Sanders Street. | Perdón, quinientos treinta y cinco en la calle Sanders. |
(pehr-DOHN, kee-KEEAYN-tohs TRAYN-tah ee SEEN-koh ehn lah KAH-yeh Sanders.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Sorry, 535 Sanders Street. |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: Do you need a doctor?
¿Necesita, un doctor?
(¿neh-seh-SEE-tah, oon dohk-TOHR?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you need a doctor?
Person Interviewed said: No, thank you.
No, gracias.
(NOH GRAH-see-ahs.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No, thank you
Officer then said: Are you sure that you (all) are not hurt?
¿Está Ud. segura que ustedes no están lastimados?
(¿eh-STAH oo-STEHD, seh-GOO-rah kay oo-STEHD-ehs noh eh-STAHN lah-tee-MAH-dohs?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you sure that you (all) are not hurt?
The Person Interviewed then said: We are fine. My head hurts, but I believe it is from the stress.
Estamos bien. Me duele la cabeza, pero creo que es el estrés.
(eh-STAH-mohs BEE-een. me DWEH-leh lah kah-BEH-sah, PEH-roh KREH-oh kay ehs ehl eh-STREHS.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of We are fine. My head hurts, but I believe it is from the stress.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Do you need a doctor? | ¿Necesita, un doctor? |
(¿neh-seh-SEE-tah, oon dohk-TOHR?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you need a doctor? |
Person Interviewed said: No, thank you. | No, gracias. |
(NOH GRAH-see-ahs.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No, thank you |
Officer then said: Are you sure that you (all) are not hurt? | ¿Está Ud. segura que ustedes no están lastimados? |
(¿eh-STAH oo-STEHD, seh-GOO-rah kay oo-STEHD-ehs noh eh-STAHN lah-tee-MAH-dohs?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you sure that you (all) are not hurt? |
The Person Interviewed then said: We are fine. My head hurts, but I believe it is from the stress. | Estamos bien. Me duele la cabeza, pero creo que es el estrés. |
(eh-STAH-mohs BEE-een. me DWEH-leh lah kah-BEH-sah, PEH-roh KREH-oh kay ehs ehl eh-STREHS.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of We are fine. My head hurts, but I believe it is from the stress. |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: Were you all wearing your seat belts and using a child seat for your daughter?
¿Traían ustedes puestos los cinturones de seguridad y usaban un asiento para su hija?
(¿try-EE-ahn oo-STEHD-ehs PWEHS-tohs lohs seen-too-ROHN-ehs deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD ee oo-SAH-bahn oon ah-see-EHN-toh PAH-rah soo EE-hah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Were you all wearing your seat belts and using a child seat for your daughter?
Person Interviewed said: Yes, everyone, with the exception of my friend Pablo.
Sí todos, con la exceptión de mi amigo, Pablo.
(SEE TOH-dohs, kohn lah ehk-sehp-see-OHN deh mee ah-MEE-goh, Pablo.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, everyone, with the exception of my friend Pablo.
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Were you all wearing your seat belts and using a child seat for your daughter? | ¿Traían ustedes puestos los cinturones de seguridad y usaban un asiento para su hija? |
(¿try-EE-ahn oo-STEHD-ehs PWEHS-tohs lohs seen-too-ROHN-ehs deh seh-goo-ree-DAHD ee oo-SAH-bahn oon ah-see-EHN-toh PAH-rah soo EE-hah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Were you all wearing your seat belts and using a child seat for your daughter? |
Person Interviewed said: Yes, everyone, with the exception of my friend Pablo. | Sí todos, con la exceptión de mi amigo, Pablo. |
(SEE TOH-dohs, kohn lah ehk-sehp-see-OHN deh mee ah-MEE-goh, Pablo.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, everyone, with the exception of my friend Pablo. |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: Again, tell me what happened.
Otra vez, dígame que pasó.
(OH-trah vehs, DEE-gah-meh kay pah-SOH.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Again, tell me what happened.
Person Interviewed said: I was driving and couldn't see the motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle fell off. We went off the road and crashed against the tree. Is he (the driver) okay?
Iba manejando y no pude ver la motocicleta. El conductor de la motocicleta se cayó. Nos salimos del camino y chocamos contra el arbol. ¿Y, Él está bien?
(EE-bah mah-neh-HAHN-doh ee noh POO-deh vehr lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah. ehl kohn-dook-TOHR deh lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah seh kye-YOH. nohs sah-LEE-mohs dehl kah-MEE-noh ee choh-KAH-mohs KOHN-trah ehl AHR-bohl. ¿EE, EHL eh-STAH BEE-ehn?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I was driving and couldn't see the motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle fell off. We went off the road and crashed against the tree. Is he (the driver) okay?
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: Again, tell me what happened. | Otra vez, dígame que pasó. |
(OH-trah vehs, DEE-gah-meh kay pah-SOH.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Again, tell me what happened. |
Person Interviewed said: I was driving and couldn't see the motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle fell off. We went off the road and crashed against the tree. Is he (the driver) okay? | Iba manejando y no pude ver la motocicleta. El conductor de la motocicleta se cayó. Nos salimos del camino y chocamos contra el arbol. ¿Y, Él está bien? |
(EE-bah mah-neh-HAHN-doh ee noh POO-deh vehr lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah. ehl kohn-dook-TOHR deh lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah seh kye-YOH. nohs sah-LEE-mohs dehl kah-MEE-noh ee choh-KAH-mohs KOHN-trah ehl AHR-bohl. ¿EE, EHL eh-STAH BEE-ehn?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I was driving and couldn't see the motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle fell off. We went off the road and crashed against the tree. Is he (the driver) okay? |
Spanish Pronunciation
The Officer said: I don't know, but he is not dead. The ambulance is going to take him to the hospital. Do you need a tow truck?
No sé, pero no está muerto, la ambulancia va a llervarlo al hospital. ¿Necesita una grúa?
(noh SEH, PEH-roh noh eh-STAH MWEHR-toh. lah ahm-boo-LAHN-seeah vah ah yeh-VAHR-loh ahl oh-spee-TAHL. ¿neh-seh-SEE-tah OO-nah GROO-ah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I don't know, but he is not dead. The ambulance is going to take him to the hospital. Do you need a tow truck.
Person Interviewed said: Yes.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes
English | Spanish | Spanish Pronunciation |
The Officer said: I don't know, but he is not dead. The ambulance is going to take him to the hospital. Do you need a tow truck? | No sé, pero no está muerto, la ambulancia va a llervarlo al hospital. ¿Necesita una grúa? |
(noh SEH, PEH-roh noh eh-STAH MWEHR-toh. lah ahm-boo-LAHN-seeah vah ah yeh-VAHR-loh ahl oh-spee-TAHL. ¿neh-seh-SEE-tah OO-nah GROO-ah?) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I don't know, but he is not dead. The ambulance is going to take him to the hospital. Do you need a tow truck. |
Person Interviewed said: Yes. | Sí. |
(SEE.) Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes |
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You have completed this scenario exercise.
Note: the video can now be played in its entirety.
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- Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues
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- Communication Skills, Report Writing, and Courtroom Testimony
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