Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Understanding Limited Resources, cont.

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Understanding Limited Resources, cont.

Example 2

Photo of a man with crowbar prying a lock open
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) (ver política de reutilización).

In the next example, a new detective attends a DNA class and learns about touch DNA evidence. From that point on, the detective submits numerous items to the laboratory for each assigned case and requests touch DNA analysis for each item regardless of the case situation.

How does this new focus on touch DNA evidence affect the process? This powerful new type of analysis has the potential to make a significant investigative impact, but it could also negatively affect the workload and priorities of active violent crime cases within the laboratory. Generally, the analysis of touch DNA evidence is more complex and time consuming than the analysis on routine sample types.

Are the investigative priorities and demands still being met?

Administrators should be mindful that crime laboratories have a finite amount of resources. These resources have to be applied and managed judiciously to provide the best chance for overall effectiveness.

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