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Outsourcing Considerations

More Information:
Making Sense of DNA Backlogs - Myths vs. Reality


Outsourcing is a common practice in the United States and is not limited to the private sector. Government agencies, such as public crime laboratories, outsource DNA casework to fill critical needs or gaps in available services.1

Why Agencies Outsource2

Governmental laboratories outsource the analysis of forensic cases for three primary reasons:

  • Lack of capacity
  • Need for analysis in a different technology
  • Court orders


The following discussion will elaborate on the underlying reasons and potential outcome of outsourcing in governmental forensic science laboratories.

1 Bureau of Justice Statistics Survey of Publicly Funded Crime Laboratories (2005) »
2 Georgia Bureau of Investigation Crime Lab Operations Bulletin (2009) PDF download: 516kB • Visit the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Division of Forensic Sciences »

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