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Español for Law Enforcement
Motor Vehicles 3: Videos
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Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of There were two cars parked in the street. In total there were three people. Two in one vehicle and one driver in the other.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: And why are you here?
¿Y porqué está usted aquí?
(¿ee pohr KAY eh-STAH oo-STEHD ah-KEE?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of And why are you here?
Person Interviewed: I'm only a witness, I was walking from work to my house. I saw a man shoot another man two time with a pistol.
Yo solo soy un testigo que caminaba de mi trabajo a mi casa. Ví un hombre que disparaba a otro hombre dos veces con una pistola.
(yoh SOH-loh sohy oon tehs-TEE-goh kay kah-mee-NAH-bah deh mee trah-BAH-hoh ah mee KAH-sah. VEE oon OHM-breh kay dees-pah-RAH-bah ah OH-troh OHM-breh dohs VEH-sehs kohn OO-nah pees-TOH-lah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I'm only a witness, I was walking from work to my house. I saw a man shoot another man two time with a pistol.
Spanish Pronunciation
Person Interviewed: The victim fell down in the street. There was a lot of blood. I believe the victim was hurt very bad.
La víctima se cayó en la calle. Habia mucha sangre. Creo que la víctima estaba lastimada muy gravemente.
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of The victim fell down in the street. There was a lot of blood. I believe the victim was hurt very bad.
Officer: Tell me the type of car they were driving, please.
Dígame que tipo de coche manejaben ellos, por favor.
(DEE-gah-meh kay TEE-poh deh KOH-cheh mah-neh-HAH-bahn EH-yohs, pohr fah-VOHR.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Tell me the type of car they were driving, please.
Spanish Pronunciation
Person Interviewed: It was grey with Texas plates.
De color de gris con placas de Texas.
(dek koh-LOHR deh grees kohn PLAH-kahs deh TEH-hahs.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of It was grey with Texas plates.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Did you get a good look at the suspect?
¿Usted vió bien al sospechoso?
(¿oo-STEHD vee-OH BEE-ehn ahl soh-speh-CHOH-soh?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Did you get a good look at the suspect?
Person Interviewed: I couldn't see the shooter very well. But I believe he was a small and thin Hispanic man. He was wearing a red shirt with green stripes.
No pude ver él que desparó muy bien. Pero, creo que era un hispano, chaparrito, y delgado. Llevaba puesta una camisa roja con rayas verdes.
(noh POO-deh vehr EHL kay dees-pah-ROH MOO-ee BEE-ehn. PEH-roh, KREH-oh kay EH-rah oon ees-PAH-noh, chah-pahr-REE-toh ee dehl-GAH-doh. yeh-VAH-bah PWEH-stah OO-nah kah-MEE-sah ROH-hah kohn RAH-yahs VEHR-dehs.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I couldn't see the shooter very well. But I believe he was a small and thin Hispanic man. He was wearing a red shirt with green stripes.
Spanish Pronunciation
Person Interviewed: The victim left with the other driver in a small yellow car. They probably went to a hospital.
La víctima se fue con otro conductor en un coche pequeño y de color amarillo. Probablemente se fueron a un hospital.