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Español for Law Enforcement
Crime Scene 1: Videos
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Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you have license or identification?
Person interviewed: Yes.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Your name is Roberto Hernandez and your birth date is April 8, 1974.
¿Su nombre Roberto Hernández y su fecha de nacimiento es el ocho de abril de mil novecientos setenta y cuatro?
(¿soo NOHM-breh ehs Roberto Hernández ee soo FEH-chah deh nah-see-mee-EHN-toh ehs ehl OH-choh deh ah-BREEL de meel noh-veh-SEEAYN-tohs seh-TEHN-tah ee KWAH-troh?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Your name is Roberto Hernandez and your birth date is April 8, 1974.
Person interviewed: Yes.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: And why so much noise?
¿Y por qué tanto ruido?
(¿ee pohr-KAY TAHN-toh roo-EE-doh?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of And why so much noise?
Person interviewed: What happened is my son turned one year old today. We are celebrating.
Lo que pasa es que mi hijo cumple un año hoy y estámos celebrando.
(loh kay PAH-sah ehs kay mee EE-hoh KOOM-pleh oon AH-nyoh ohy ee eh-STAH-mohs seh-leh-BRAHN-doh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What happened is my son turned one year old today. We are celebrating.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: This time I will give a warning. But, turn down the stereo volume please.
Por esta vez le voy a dar un aviso. Pero, bajele al volumen del estero.