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Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Firearms Examiner Training


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Protective gloves for handling potentially contaminated bullets
Protective gloves for handling potentially contaminated bullets
Courtesy of Armor Forensics (ver política de reutilización).

When handling biohazardous material in the courtroom, protective gloves should be worn. It is prudent to inform the attorney during pretrial conference that protective gloves will be worn during testimony and display of biohazardous evidence. (Examiners should be prepared with their own protective gloves.)

Care should be taken when handling evidence to prevent dislodging of biohazardous material in the courtroom.

Fired bullets offered as evidence in court should be regarded as potential biohazards unless they are known to have been disinfected during examination. However, it is always good practice to use gloves when handling the actual items in court.


Safely packaged tools
Safely packaged tools
Courtesy of Tri-Tech Inc., Southport, NC (ver política de reutilización).

Toolmark evidence will generally include a tool (a harder object) which has marked a softer object, leaving class, individual, and possibly subclass characteristics. If the tool is edged or pointed, it may be a safety concern and should be handled with care.

If a tool is contaminated with biological material it should be treated as a biohazard with appropriate precautions. At the crime scene these items should be preserved in leak-proof, puncture-resistant sealed containers.

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