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Because orderly presentation of evidence during trial saves time and focuses attention, some admissibility determinations are made in pretrial hearings, often referred to by the case name or procedural rule that is used in that jurisdiction. Examples in the U.S. Federal Court system pertaining to admission of forensic scientific evidence are the following landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases: Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (509 U.S. 579 (1993)) and Frye v. United States (421 U.S. 542 (1975)).
A formal process is imposed to compel parties to disclose or share their evidence in advance of trial to maximize fairness, minimize wasted time and sharpen the focus on the contested issues. Consequently, jurisdictions require litigants (private and public) to make their evidence available before trial or risk having the evidence admitted at trial.
Although the length of time required in advance varies, an expert witness's examinations, testing, findings and concluding opinions are required in the form of a report, which is provided to all counsel.
In general, the final legal determination regarding admission of evidence is the finding that all procedures for sharing or providing evidence that either party intends to use at trial have been properly executed before trial.
For more on admissibility issues, see Importance of Case Preparation, Topics: 3, 10, 13 and 14; and Pretrial, Topics 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Additional Online Courses
- What Every First Responding Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence
- Collecting DNA Evidence at Property Crime Scenes
- DNA – A Prosecutor’s Practice Notebook
- Crime Scene and DNA Basics
- Laboratory Safety Programs
- DNA Amplification
- Population Genetics and Statistics
- Non-STR DNA Markers: SNPs, Y-STRs, LCN and mtDNA
- Firearms Examiner Training
- Forensic DNA Education for Law Enforcement Decisionmakers
- What Every Investigator and Evidence Technician Should Know About DNA Evidence
- Principles of Forensic DNA for Officers of the Court
- Law 101: Legal Guide for the Forensic Expert
- Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues
- DNA Extraction and Quantitation
- STR Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Communication Skills, Report Writing, and Courtroom Testimony
- Español for Law Enforcement
- Amplified DNA Product Separation for Forensic Analysts