Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.


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Taking the Course

Starting the course. Select the top link in the navigation on the right.

Navigating the course. We recommend you go through the course page-by-page using the Forward and Back buttons at the bottom of the page. You may skip around and select lessons using the navigation on the right.


Information addressed in this interactive training program is delivered in two modules. Select a module below to begin.

Laboratory Time and Resources
Interacting With Crime Laboratories
DNA Evidence: Probative Value and Prioritization
Communicating With the Prosecutor
Outsourcing Considerations
Leveraging Limited Resources
Avoiding Steep Costs
Communicating With the Legislature
Evidence Retention Policies
Best Practices for Handling "Cold Hits"
Offender Collection Statutes
Partial Matches
Familial Searching
