Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

DNA - A Prosecutor’s Practice Notebook Inventory

Results of Examinations

Blood was detected on Specimens Q1 through 11. Specimens Q12 through 15 were examined for the presence of blood; however, no blood was found.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was isolated from specimens Q1, Q2, Q5, Q8, and K1 (Sands),and K3 (Smith) and subjected to DNA typing by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at the amelogenin sex typing locus , the nine (9) short tandem repeat (STR) loci of the  AmpFRSTR® Profiler Plus™ ID and, where appropriate, the six (6) STR loci of the AmpFRSTR® COfiler™ PCR Amplification Kits. 

                                                                    Profiler Plus ID
Specimen D3S1358 vWA FGA D8S1179 D21S11 D18S51 D5S818 D13S317 D7S820
Q1 16, 18 12, 17 Inc. 14, 16 29, 30 Inc. 12, 12 10, 11 10, 10
Q2 16, 18 12, 17 21, 24 14, 16 29, 30 15, 15 12, 12 10, 11 10, 10
Q5-6 16, 18 12, 17 21, 24 14, 16 29, 30 15, 15 12, 12 10, 11 10, 10
16, 16 13, 17 19, 23 13, 15 28, 31.2 Inc. 11, 12 11, 13 10, 10
K1 16, 18 12, 17 21, 24 14, 16 29, 30 15, 15 12, 12 10, 11 10, 10
K3 16, 16 13, 17 19, 23 13, 15 28, 31.2 17, 20 11, 12 11, 13 10, 10


Specimen D3S1358 D16S539 THO1 TPOX CSF1PO D7S820
Q5-6 16, 18 11, 13 6, 7 8, 11 12, 13 10, 10
K1 16, 18 11, 13 6, 7 8, 11 12, 13 10, 10
K3 16, 16 9, 12 7, 9 8, 9 10, 12 10, 10

Inc = Inconclusive

Based on the typing results at the amelogenin locus,(for sex determination), female DNA is present in the DNA obtained from specimen K3. Male DNA is present in the DNA obtained from specimens Q1, Q2, Q5, and K1. The amelogenin typing results from specimen Q8 is consistent with a mixture of male and female DNA.

The STR typing results for specimen Q8 indicate the presence of DNA from more than one individual.  Based on the STR typing results and to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, the source of specimen K1 is the major contributor of the DNA obtained from specimen Q8. The source of specimen K3 is a potential minor contributor to the mixture of DNA from specimen Q8.  The probability of selecting an unrelated individual at random from a general population who could be a potential minor contributor to the mixture of DNA detected in specimen Q8 is approximately 1 in 150,000 from the Black population, 1 in 250,000 from the Caucasian population, 1 in 197,000 from the Southeastern Hispanic population, and 1 in 2,000,000 from the Southwestern Hispanic population.

Based on the STR typing results, and to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, the source of specimen K1 is the source of the DNA obtained from specimens Q1, Q2, and Q5.

No other examinations were performed.

Upon completion of all the requested examinations, the submitted items will be returned to you under separate cover.


There are no DNA types unlike the types of K1 in specimens Q13 through Q15.

There was no DNA detected in specimen Q12 and therefore no further DNA examinations could be conducted.

The DNA profile from the contributor to specimens Q13 through Q15 will be entered into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) and maintained by the FBI Laboratory for future comparisons.

Amy Jones (4n6s)
Nuclear DNA Unit

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