This page lists expired funding opportunities. Use the search filters to narrow down the list by topic, fiscal year(s), or search by keyword.
Enhancing DNA ID Capabilities for Reduction of Violent Crime
Enhancing DNA ID Capabilities for Reduction of Violent Crime
CLEFS Comprehensive Wellness Program
CLEFS Comprehensive Wellness Program
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards
Corrections & LEFS: Corrections Field Test Design
Corrections & LEFS: Corrections Field Test Design
DNA Data Bank of Convicted Felons for Specified Crimes in Puerto Rico
DNA Data Bank of Convicted Felons for Specified Crimes in Puerto Rico
Determining the Effects of Neighborhood Peer and Family
Determining the Effects of Neighborhood Peer and Family
National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards
National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards, Fiscal Year 1999
Juvenile Breaking The Cycle
Juvenile Breaking The Cycle
Developing Communications Initiatives in Criminal Justice
Developing Communications Initiatives in Criminal Justice
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards
Forensic DNA Program for Connecticut: PCR Technologies
Forensic DNA Program for Connecticut: PCR Technologies
Using a High Definition GIS to Enhance Community Policing on College Campuses
Using a High Definition GIS to Enhance Community Policing on College Campuses
Breaking the Cycle Demonstration Project
Breaking the Cycle Demonstration Project
Evaluation of Breaking the Cycle
Evaluation of Breaking the Cycle
Ohio Statewide Consortium DNA Grant
Ohio Statewide Consortium DNA Grant
Executive Seminar Series on Sentencing and Corrections
Executive Seminar Series on Sentencing and Corrections
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards, FY 1997
Awards made under this funding opportunity are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards
National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards
Unintended Impacts of Sentencing Reforms & Incarceration on Family Structure
Unintended Impacts of Sentencing Reforms & Incarceration on Family Structure
The Self-Evaluating Justice Organization: Building Local Evaluation Capacity
The Self-Evaluating Justice Organization: Building Local Evaluation Capacity
AutoDUF Project
AutoDUF Project
Program on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
Program on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods