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Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Expired Funding Opportunities


This page lists expired funding opportunities. Use the search filters to narrow down the list by topic, fiscal year(s), or search by keyword. 

NIJ FY 09 Criminal Justice Technology Regional Centers

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding to conduct regional outreach activities within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) System to improve the access to and awareness of relevant scientific and technology-related information by State and local criminal justice practitioners.See FAQs that NIJ is compiling for this and other Technology Center solicitations.

NIJ FY 09 Criminal Justice Technology Information and Sensor Systems Center of Excellence

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NIJ is seeking applications to establish a Criminal Justice Technology Center of Excellence for Information and Sensor Systems within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System (the "NLECTC System"). The Information and Sensor Systems Center will provide testing, evaluation, technology assistance, and other services with regard to information and sensor technologies intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies.See FAQs that NIJ is compiling for this and other Technology Center solicitations.

NIJ FY 09 Criminal Justice Electronic Crime Technology Center of Excellence

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NOTE: The deadline for this solicitation has changed from June 19 to June 22. NIJ is seeking applications to establish a Criminal Justice Technology Center of Excellence for Electronic Crime within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System (the "NLECTC System"). The Electronic Crime Center will provide testing, evaluation, technology assistance, and other services with regard to technologies intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies to combat electronic crime.

NIJ FY 09 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant Program

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The goal of NIJ's FY09 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program is to assist eligible States and units of local government to reduce forensic DNA sample turnaround time, increase the throughput of public DNA laboratories, and reduce DNA forensic casework backlogs.

NIJ FY 09 Electronic Crime and Digital Evidence Recovery: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding to research, develop, and demonstrate emerging electronic investigative/forensic and digital evidence recovery technology solutions for law enforcement agencies. Specific areas of interest include cell phone forensics tools, digital evidence forensic examination tools, and computer crime investigative tools.

NIJ FY 09 Biometrics Technologies: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding the development and demonstration of a mobile, wireless device for law enforcement application capable of the simultaneous capture of four fingerprints in a manner compliant with the relevant sections of the draft "Mobile ID Device Best Practices Recommendations and Specifications (May 5, 2008)", to include data encryption. NIJ is especially interested in research and development proposals for technology to identify or verify the identity of a person in the field.

NIJ FY 09 Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program

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NIJ is seeking applications from States wishing to receive funding to help defray the costs associated with postconviction DNA testing of forcible rape, murder, and nonnegligent manslaughter cases in which actual innocence might be demonstrated. Funds may be used to review such postconviction cases and to locate and analyze biological evidence associated with these cases.

NIJ FY 09 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program

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The Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program (the Coverdell program) awards grants to States and units of local government to help improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services. Among other things, funds may be used to eliminate a backlog in the analysis of forensic evidence and to train and employ forensic laboratory personnel, as needed, to eliminate such a backlog. States may apply for both "base" (formula) and competitive funds. Units of local government may apply for competitive funds.

Recovery Act: Research and Evaluation of Recovery Act State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance

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NIJ is seeking applications to establish a Criminal Justice Technology Center of Excellence for Information and Sensor Systems within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System (the "NLECTC System"). The Information and Sensor Systems Center will provide testing, evaluation, technology assistance, and other services with regard to information and sensor technologies intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies.See FAQs that NIJ is compiling for this and other Technology Center solicitations.

Recovery Act: Evaluation of Internet Child Safety Materials Used by ICAC Task Forces in School and Community Settings

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NIJ seeks to fund an evaluation of internet child safety materials used by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces that receive funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under the Recovery Act. Specifically, the successful grantee will conduct a multisite evaluation of internet child safety materials used by ICAC task forces in school and community settings to examine the effectiveness of these materials and identify gaps that may exist in this field.

NIJ FY 09 Personal Protective Equipment: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding to research, develop, and demonstrate technologies that will enhance the safety of law enforcement officers and other criminal justice practitioners.

NIJ FY 09 Convicted Offender and-or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding under the fiscal year 2009 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program. This program furthers the Department's mission by offering an opportunity for States with existing laboratories that conduct analysis of convicted offender and/or arrestee DNA samples collected by States pursuant to applicable law for databasing purposes ("DNA database samples") to reduce their backlog of such samples through in-house DNA analysis or by sending samples to accredited fee-for-service laboratories for DNA analysis.

NIJ FY 09 ORE Crime and Justice Research

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding of social and behavioral research on, and evaluations related to, crime and justice topics relevant to State and/or local criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice. Although most crime and justice topics relevant to policymakers and practitioners are eligible for consideration, NIJ has identified the following priority areas: Predicting Crime, Emerging Crime, Human Trafficking, Re-entry, Preventing Crime Related to Gangs, Improving the Criminal Justice System: Prosecution and Defense, and Reduction of Correctional Populations

NIJ FY 09 ORE Social Science Research in Forensic Science

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Forensic science, particularly in the area of DNA, has experienced numerous advances over the last decade. Improvements in science and technology have increased capabilities to use DNA in terms of the amount of evidence needed to obtain DNA, the speed of DNA processing, and the range of crimes DNA can help solve. NIJ is interested in stimulating research to examine the impact of these forensic advances on the criminal justice system as well as the impact of changes in policies to adapt to the more widespread use of DNA.

NIJ FY 09 Research and Development in Forensic Analysis of Impression Evidence: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ seeks applications for research and development to enhance crime laboratories' ability to identify, characterize, capture, visualize, and preserve impression evidence. This solicitation focuses, among other things, on tools and technologies that will allow faster, more widely applicable, more rugged, less costly, or less labor-intensive identification, collection, preservation, and analysis of impression evidence at the crime scene or crime laboratory.

NIJ FY 09 ORE Research and Evaluation on the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals and Residents of Residential Care Facilities

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NIJ is soliciting proposals for research and evaluation in the areas of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals over the age of 60 (elderly), including individuals who reside either in the community or in residential care facilities. For the purpose of this solicitation, the term "abuse" includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, abandonment and isolation, neglect, or financial or fiduciary abuse.

NIJ FY 09 Forensic DNA Research and Development: Invited Full Proposals

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NIJ is seeking applications for research and development that can enhance the forensic uses of DNA technology. This solicitation focuses on technologies that result in faster, more robust, more informative, less costly, or less labor-intensive identification, collection, preservation, and/or analysis of DNA evidence collected from crime scenes.

NIJ FY09 Research and Evaluation on Sexual and Teen Dating Violence

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NIJ seeks applications for funding research to help increase women's safety and improve the justice system and related responses to sexual violence and teen dating violence. Research is sought on the criminal justice system's response to sexual violence; the extent of the problem of teen dating violence and characteristics of abusive teen relationships; and the evaluation of teen dating violence programs, policies, and legislation. Applications addressing other areas of research on violence against women, such as Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking, will be accepted.

NIJ FY 09 Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement

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Note: Deadline extended from March 23. NIJ is seeking proposals from States and units of local government for projects to improve the efficiency and capacity of public forensic DNA laboratories through the development and adoption of an improved laboratory process. Eligible public forensic DNA laboratories may submit proposals for projects that will increase capacity to meet the mission-critical needs of these laboratories within the scope of this solicitation.

NIJ FY 09 ORE Social Science Research on Exoneration

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NIJ is interested in stimulating a scientifically rigorous body of research on the topic of wrongful convictions, specifically focusing on the 200-plus cases of exonerations based on post-conviction DNA examinations, and comparisons of DNA-based and non-DNA-based exonerations. Thus far, there have been over 200 cases of post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States identified by media and interested organizations; however, there has been little social-science-based research on this topic.

NIJ FY 09 Technology Research and Development

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NIJ seeks applications for research and development leading to the adoption into practice by law enforcement and corrections agencies of technologies and devices providing improved means to confirm and fix an individual's identity, improved situational awareness, improved means to locate and track cooperative or noncooperative individuals, improved data analysis tools, and improved means to detect contraband.

NIJ FY 09 ORE Evaluation of a Demonstration Program: Drug Testing, Certain and Swift Sanctions and Treatment Referral for Chronic Drug Users Under Community Supervision

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NIJ is seeking proposals for research to evaluate the effectiveness of a demonstration program that includes a drug-testing, sanctions, and treatment protocol for chronic drug users under criminal justice supervision in the community. The basic principles of the program must include: (1) frequent drug testing; (2) certain, swift, and graduated sanctions for failed tests; and (3) access to residential treatment, as appropriate.

NIJ FY 09 ORE Collateral Consequences

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Consonant with Section 510 of the Court Security Improvement Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-177), NIJ is soliciting proposals for a national study that will provide a comprehensive compilation of Federal and State collateral consequences for criminal convictions. The purpose of this research is to inform and improve criminal justice policy and practice by providing policymakers with the information they need to understand the legal and regulatory barriers that may affect successful offender reentry into the community.