This page lists expired funding opportunities. Use the search filters to narrow down the list by topic, fiscal year(s), or search by keyword.
NIJ FY 10 ORE Crime and Justice Research and Evaluation: Investigator Initiated
NIJ FY 10 Technology Research and Development: Assured Communications for Law Enforcement Operations
NIJ seeks qualified applicants for funding to develop effective solutions to provide law enforcement agencies with the ability to continue to communicate effectively (via voice, video, data, or other means), at the data rates necessary to conduct law enforcement operation, in (1) the absence of an adequate operating communications infrastructure and/or (2) in the presence of multiple, overlapping communications infrastructures with varying attributes.
NIJ FY 10 Biometrics Research and Development
NIJ seeks proposals for funding for research and development of biometric technologies that will positively confirm an individual's identity at 1,000 meters for law enforcement application.
NIJ FY 10 Alternatives to Conducted Less-Lethal Energy Devices
NIJ seeks applications for funding to develop alternatives to conducted energy less-lethal devices for law enforcement and corrections applications.
NIJ FY 10 Pursuit Management Technologies
NIJ FY 10 Geospatial Technology
NIJ FY 10 Sensor and Surveillance Technologies for Criminal Justice Applications
NIJ FY 10 Officer and Vehicle Safety for Law Enforcement Applications
NIJ FY 10 Solving Cold Cases with DNA
NIJ seeks proposals for funding for states and units of local government to identify, review and investigate violent crime cold cases that have the potential to be solved using DNA analysis, and to locate and analyze biological evidence associated with these cases. Experience has shown that cold case programs can solve a substantial number of violent crime cold cases, including homicides and sexual assaults. Advances in DNA technologies have substantially increased the successful DNA analysis of aged, degraded, limited, or otherwise compromised biological evidence.
NIJ FY 10 Communications Technology Center of Excellence
NIJ seeks proposals for the operation of the Criminal Justice Communications Technology Center of Excellence, a component of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System. The center conducts testing, evaluation, technology assistance programs, and other services with regard to communications tools and technologies intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies.
NIJ FY 10 Corrections Technology Center of Excellence
NIJ FY 10 Research and Development on Instrumental Analysis for Forensic Science Applications
NIJ FY 10 Research and Development on Forensic Crime Scene and Medicolegal Death Investigations
NIJ seeks proposals for research and development to enhance forensic crime scene examination and medicolegal investigations. Proposed projects may focus on, but are not limited to, crime scene examination, medicolegal death investigations, forensic pathology, forensic anthropology, forensic odontology, and fire scene analysis.
NIJ FY 10 Research and Development on Pattern and Impression Evidence
NIJ seeks proposals for funding research and development to enhance forensic scientists' ability to identify, capture, visualize, analyze, and preserve impression evidence and pattern evidence.
NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2009
Awards made under this funding opportunity are either made non-competitively or are the result of an administrative funding adjustment.
NIJ FY 09 Office of Science and Technology Continuations
Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.
NIJ FY09 Office of Science and Technology Congressionally Directed Awards
Awards made under this funding opportunity are either made non-competitively or are the result of an administrative funding adjustment.
NIJ FY09 Office of Research and Evaluation Continuations
Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.
NIJ FY 09 Evaluation of OVC's FY 09 Services for Domestic Minor Victims of Human Trafficking
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct an evaluation of human trafficking demonstration programs that will be funded by the Office for Victims of Crimes (OVC) under a concurrent FY09 solicitation. Specifically, the successful grantee will conduct a participatory process evaluation of two OVC demonstration programs that will be chosen based on their promising strategies to deliver a comprehensive array of services to child victims (i.e., under age 18) of human trafficking who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents.
NIJ FY09 Evaluation of the Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN)
NIJ FY09 Building and Enhancing Research Researcher-Practitioner/Policymaker Partnerships
NIJ FY09 Predictive Policing Analytic and Evaluation Research Support
NIJ FY 09 Advancing Criminal Justice Policy, Practice, and Technology
NIJ seeks applications for funding of specific innovative, high-payoff projects and activities fostering the adoption into practice of new, cutting-edge policy, practice, and/or technology related to: courts, crime and crime prevention, drugs and crime, forensic sciences, law enforcement, relevant technology and tools, and victims and victimization.
NIJ FY 09 Fundamental Research to Improve Understanding of the Accuracy, Reliability, and Measurement Validity of Forensic Science Disciplines
NIJ seeks qualified applicants to conduct research to improve the understanding of the accuracy, reliability, and measurement validity in the forensic science disciplines within the context of their criminal justice applications. Through this solicitation, NIJ seeks qualified applicants to conduct validation studies and research to improve the scientific foundation of individual disciplines across the following categories. - Firearms and toolmark identification. - Questioned documents. - Trace evidence, with emphasis on microscopic examination techniques.
NIJ FY09 Predictive Policing Demonstration and Evaluation Program
Predictive policing includes strategies and tactics that improve the situational awareness of law enforcement concerning individuals or locations before criminal activity occurs. NIJ seeks qualified applicants to develop and demonstrate predictive policing models that can be subjected to rigorous evaluation for criminal justice outcomes and impacts. Through a companion solicitation, NIJ will seek qualified applicants to act as an independent, multisite program evaluator for this effort with which successful applicants will be expected to collaborate as a condition of award.