Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Overview of Gangs and Gang Crime

Date Published
Octubre 27, 2011

Gang members engage in a higher level of serious and violent crime than their non-gang-involved peers. Research about gangs is often intertwined with research about gun violence and drug crime. It is clear that gangs, guns, drugs and violence are interconnected.[1]

When communities assess their gun violence problem, they often uncover a gang violence problem. Communities that recognize the unique challenges associated with reducing gangs and related crime problems, such as gun violence, become safer and healthier, and may be more resilient to future crime threats.

NIJ-funded research and initiatives focus on building knowledge about promising practices in preventing gang membership and gang violence.[2]

Programs and other efforts to prevent and reduce gang violence build on what we have learned from past evaluations of similar programs; evaluations can guide the development of better programs for the future.

Evaluations of gang prevention programs have identified key factors in designing and implementing positive interventions. These factors include:

  • Working with the local community.
  • Engaging city leaders.
  • Partnering with social service agencies.
  • Involving community members who have the respect of local gang leaders and members.
  • Addressing gang-related issues at multiple levels.

Interagency collaboration, especially at the local level and across several levels of government, gives civic leaders a multidisciplinary perspective on issues related to preventing gang joining and gang-related crime.

Fecha de Publicación: 27 de Octubre de 2011