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Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Inactive NIJ Standards

These are standards that are no longer supported, updated or revised by NIJ. Some have been rendered obsolete due to advancements in technology and others have been replaced by standards developed by other Standards Development Organizations. However, for reference all inactive NIJ standards can be accessed and downloaded here.

See active NIJ standards.

Title Published
Metallic Handcuffs. NIJ Standard-0307.01 (pdf, 10 pages) March 1982
38/357 Caliber Revolvers. NIJ Standard-0109.00 (pdf, 17 pages) July 1983
Active Night Vision Devices. NILECJ-STD-0305.00 (pdf, 39 pages) June 1975
Amplitude Companded Sideband Transceivers. NIJ Standard-0225.00 (pdf, 31 pages) June 1989
Body-Worn FM Transmitters. NIJ Standard-0214.01 (pdf, 23 pages)
Supersedes NILECJ-STD-0214.00 dated December 1978.
January 1990
Continuous Signal-Controlled Selective Signaling. NIJ Standard-0219.00 (pdf, 23 pages) August 1980
Continuous-Recording Voice-Logging Tape Recorders. NIJ Standard-0220.00 (pdf, 18 pages) July 1983
Control Heads and Cable Assemblies for Mobile FM Transceivers. NIJ Standard-0216.00 (pdf, 17 pages) December 1981
Control Units for Intrusion Alarm Systems. NIJ Standard-0321.00 (pdf, 21 pages) June 1984
Courtroom Reel-To-Reel Audio Tape Recorders. NIJ Standard-0901.00 (pdf, 27 pages) November 1986
Crash Helmets. NIJ Standard-0105.01 (pdf, 16 pages)
Supersedes NILECJ–STD–0105.00 dated June 1975.
June 1984
Emergency Vehicle Sirens. NIJ Standard-0501.00 (pdf, 16 pages) December 1981
Fixed and Base Station Antennas. NIJ Standard-0204.02 (pdf, 23 pages)Supersedes NIJ Standard-0204.01 dated December 1981 and NILECJ-STD-0204.00 dated November 1977. June 1998
Fixed and Base Station FM Receivers. NIJ Standard-0206.01 (pdf, 23 pages)
Supersedes NILECJ-STD-0206.00 dated September 1975.
July 1988
Fixed and Base Station FM Transmitters. NIJ Standard-0201.01 (pdf, 12 pages)
Supersedes NILECJ-STD-0201.00 dated September 1974.
September 1987
FM Repeater Systems. NILECJ-STD-0213.00 (pdf, 17 pages) November 1977.
Magnetic Switches For Burglar Alarm Systems. NILECJ-STD-0301.00 (pdf, 27 pages) March 1974
Mechanically Actuated Switches for Burglar Alarm Systems. NILECJ-STD-0302.00 (pdf, 19 pages) May 1974
Mercury Switches For Burglar Alarm Systems. NILECJ-STD-0303.00 (pdf, 19 pages) May 1974
Metallic Window Foil for Intrusion Alarm Systems. NIJ Standard-0319.00 (pdf, 11 pages) August 1980
Microphone Cable Assemblies for Mobile FM Transceivers. NIJ Standard-0217.00 (pdf, 11 pages) August 1980
Miniature Surveillance Recorders. NIJ Standard-0226.00 (pdf, 30 pages) January 1990
Mobile Antennas. NIJ Standard-0205.02 (pdf, 25 pages)
Supersedes NIJ Standard-0205.01 dated May 1989 and NILECJ-STD-0205.00 dated May 1974.
October 1997
Mobile Digital Equipment. NIJ Standard-0215.01 (pdf, 28 pages)
Supersedes NIJ Standard-0215.00 dated May 1983
September 1987
Mobile FM Transceivers. NIJ Standard-0210.00 (pdf, 34 pages)
Supersedes NILECJ-STD-0202.00, Mobile FM Transmitters dated October 1984 and NILECJ-STD-0207.00, Mobile FM Receivers dated June 1975.
May 1986
Passive, First Generation Night Vision Devices. NILECJ-STD-0304.00 (pdf, 31 pages) June 1975
Personal FM Transceivers. NIJ Standard-0209.01 (pdf, 24 pages)
Supersedes NILECJ-STD-0203.00, Personal/Portable FM Transmitters dated October 1974; NILECJ-STD-0208.00, Personal/Portable FM Receivers dated October 1974; and NILECJ-STD-0209.00
September 1985
Personal/Mobile FM Transceivers. NIJ Standard-0224.00 (pdf, 36 pages) May 1986
Physical Security of Door Assemblies and Components. NILECJ-STD-0306.00 (pdf, 13 pages) May 1976
Physical Security of Sliding Glass Door Units. NIJ Standard-0318.00 (pdf, 13 pages) August 1980
Physical Security of Window Units. NIJ Standard-0316.00 (pdf, 17 pages) August 1980
Portable Organic Vapor Detectors. NIJ Standard-0606.00 (pdf, 15 pages) June 1984
RF Coaxial Cable Assemblies for Mobile Transceivers. NILECJ-STD-0212.00 (pdf, 11 pages) September 1975
Sound Sensing Units for Intrusion Alarm Systems. NILECJ-STD-0308.00 (pdf, 17 pages) March 1977
Surveillance Receiver/Recorders. NIJ Standard-0222.00 (pdf, 25 pages) June 1984
Telephone Dialers With Digitally Coded Messages. NIJ Standard-0323.00 (pdf, 20 pages) October 1984
Telephone Dialers With Taped Voice Messages. NIJ Standard-0322.00 (pdf, 21 pages) October 1984
Fecha de Publicación: 27 de Abril de 2023