Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.


Sex-related offenses are any crimes that have a sexual component. They may involve actual or threatened physical harm (e.g., sexual assault) or mental or emotional harm to a victim (e.g., child pornography).

NIJ supports projects that strive to understand and reduce the occurrence and impact of sex-related offenses. This includes describing the scope of these crimes, such as how and when they occur and their consequences. NIJ also supports evaluations of existing programs, practices and policies meant to prevent sex-related offenses or to assist victims.

On this page, find links to articles, awards, events, publications, and multimedia related to sex-related offenses.

Find Programs and Practices addressing Sex-Related Offenses

The first step in knowing what to do is knowing what works … and what hasn’t.

Sexual Assaults Recorded by Law Enforcement, 2015 and 2019

These online, interactive reports present statistics on sexual assault victimizations that were reported by law enforcement agencies to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) in 2015 and 2019.