Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
DNA Evidence Backlogs: Convicted Offender and Arrestee Samples
MAPS: How Mapping Helps Reduce Crime and Improve Public Safety
Five Things Law Enforcement Executives Can Do to Make a Difference
Predicting and Preventing Wrongful Convictions
Technology for Pursuit Management
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women: Program of Research
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women: Section 904 Researchers' Workshops
Ballistic Body Armor: A Closer Look at the Follow-Up Inspection and Testing Program
The NIJ program helps ensure that body armor coming off the assembly line meets the requirements of NIJ's standard
NIJ's Body Armor Challenge
Resources for Managing Laboratory Grants
The Grant Progress Assessment Program: Looking Back on Success and Moving Forward
The NIJ program helped educate grantees on how to properly administer their grants
Beyond the Sentence - Understanding Collateral Consequences
NIJ-funded database provides interactive resource on federal and state collateral consequences.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Criminal Justice Reforms
NIJ's Multisite Adult Drug Court Evaluation highlights important considerations when analyzing the costs and benefits of crime interventions.
Ending Modern-Day Slavery: Using Research to Inform U.S. Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts
NIJ study examines the challenges facing the criminal justice system when combating human trafficking.
Evaluating Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Programs
New tool helps programs understand how they affect the prosecution of sexual assault cases in their communities.
Forensic Science Research and Development — More Than DNA
History of GPS Monitoring Policies in California
Kristen M. Zgoba Wins the Peter P. Lejins Research Award
NIJ congratulates Kristen M. Zgoba, winner of the 2013 Peter P. Lejins Research Award, for her steadfast commitment to criminal justice research.
New Orleans Sexual Assault Evidence Project: Results and Recommendations
NIJ-sponsored project contributes to the growing body of evidence on how to handle untested sexual assault kits.
Director's Message - NIJ Journal Issue No. 271
NIJ's Innovative Research Spans Variety of Forensic Fields
NIJ-funded research is helping to strengthen the foundations of forensic science.
Partners in Research: Lessons Learned in Los Angeles
Practitioners and researchers discuss the benefits and challenges of working together.
Predicting Recidivism Risk: New Tool in Philadelphia Shows Great Promise
Tool uses random forest modeling to identify probationers likely to reoffend within two years of returning to the community.
Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships
Individuals Convicted of a Sex Offense Who Are Monitored by GPS Found to Commit Fewer Crimes
An NIJ-sponsored research project examines the impact that GPS monitoring has on the recidivism rates of those committing sex offenses in California.