Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
A Hopeful Approach — Understanding the implications for the HOPE program
Empowering Local Communities to Advance Justice: NIJ and BJA Launch Sentinel Events Initiative National Demonstration Collaborations
Executive Session on Community Corrections
Meeting on Leveraging Technology to Improve Treatment Outcomes for Criminal Justice Populations
Solving Crimes With Soil Bacteria
Mobile Broadband Data Access Has Positive Impact on Police Operations
NIJ funded study explores the impact of dedicated mobile broadband technology on police operations and provides guidance for implementation and practice within the field.
Wrongful Convictions and DNA Exonerations: Understanding the Role of Forensic Science
A review of erroneous convictions that involved forensic science can help identify critical lessons for forensic scientists as they perform testing, interpret results, render conclusions, and testify in court.
NIJ Listening Sessions With Victims and Exonerees of Wrongful Conviction
The Role of Social Media in the Evolution of Al-Qaeda-Inspired Terrorism
NIJ-sponsored analysis compares online networks that mobilize and direct Americans for jihadist action.
Relationship Abuse During the Transition From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
NIJ-funded researchers help gain a better understanding of the consequences of adolescent relationship abuse and its impact on the transition to adulthood.
Teen Dating Violence Victimization in an Urban Sample of Early Adolescents
An NIJ-funded study looked at teen dating violence perpetration and victimization among urban middle-school aged kids.
Using School Health Center to Promote Healthy Relationships in Adolescents
A team of NIJ-funded researchers conducted a study that examines the effectiveness of the School Health Center Healthy Adolescent Relationship Program.
National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Recommendations for a victim-centered approach in responding to sexual assault cases.
Managed Access Systems Can Prevent Contraband Cellphone Use
If contraband cellphones make it into a facility, managed access systems can prevent their use.
Correctional Officer Safety and Wellness — What We Learned from the Research Literature
A new NIJ-supported paper identifies risks officers confront, assesses officers’ perspectives on workplace risk, notes key limitations in the research literature, and recommends policies designed to enhance officer well-being.
Identifying Ignitable Liquids in the Aftermath of a Fire
After analyzing how ignitable liquids break down because of weathering and biological degradation in the aftermath of a fire, researchers have provided new data to fire investigators and crime labs.
The Many Challenges Facing Sexual Assault Survivors With Disabilities
For survivors with a disability, seeking justice often takes a backseat to fulfilling their everyday needs.
Crime Scene Investigation: Guides for Law Enforcement
Police Roadside Safety
Case Study of a GPS Tracking Tool Designed to Aid in Police Vehicle Pursuits
When policy, practice, and technology are integrated, the implementation of that technology has a greater impact on outcomes.
Contraband Detection Devices, What the Market Has to Offer
A new report summarizes vendor-provided information.
Preventing Officer Fatalities by Better Understanding Specific Incidents
The Most Important Features for an Effective Sexual Assault Response Team
Sexual Assault Response Teams hold the promise of improving victim experiences, increasing prosecution rates, and reducing sexual assaults. To understand how effective SARTs work, researchers studied the structure and operations of SARTS across the U.S.
Designing Methods to Identify Evolving Designer Drugs
Forensic Identification Using Individual Chemical Signatures
By touching a cell phone, car keys, or even a pen, you are leaving behind a chemical signature that can reveal much about how you live your daily life.